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Fri, Mar 30 2012 1:23 PM (75 replies)
  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 4:40 PM




    Our records indicate that you have created multiple WGT accounts. Accessing WGT via more than a single account is a violation of WGT Terms & Conditions policies. Read the Terms & Conditions here:


    Due to this violation, your alternative account have been permanently closed.  Any further Terms & Conditions violations will result in the removal of all accounts.


    All decisions regarding WGT Terms & Conditions violations are  considered final.


    WGT Member Services



    cicerosam wrote on 27 Mar 2012 at 4:26 PM


    Dear Admin


    I find your email offensive and I am extremely angered!




    How dare you accuse me of this!! I have spent A LOT OF MONEY on this site and have been the owner of a country club and have encouraged my brother, my uncle and many others to play. I can assure you I will be posting on the forum about this and also I will be telling all my friends of this outrageous behavior. To say that I am somehow involved in this multi- accounting is insulting and quite frankly I am deeply saddened by the lack of respect you have in addressing me in this manner.


    If your sleuth detective work is based on my gifting to others which I have done openly and honestly, then I can assure you I will NEVER spend another penny on your site until i get a full apology from your CEO. 





    One very ANGRY customer




    Sam Fenwick (cicerosam once loyal and honest member of WGT) 







  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:03 PM

    Another thing, If anyone has accused me of this, then I should like to know who they are. It is possible that someone is out to tarnish my name, and if thats the case then I would like WGT to take more care in how they deal with these issues. 



  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:10 PM

    .....................Wow, I guess....liked to comment but not sure what to say about it.

  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:14 PM

    Tell me about it...I was dumbstruck..Ive been a loyal customer, honest and NEVER done anything out of the rules.. then this!!!

    I must have spent over $800 on this site....then they do this? 



  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:19 PM

    Can you imagine this happening in any other context? Lets say that I had been an honest member of a real golf club - The owners of the club decide that I somehow had violated their T&Cs. They would invite me to a metting in which they could level the accusations at me. Not here, they send an email to someone who has supported and made this website  a huge part of his down time - then without discussion or query, accuse him of this?

    If I was a multi accounter, would I be so affronted?


  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:27 PM

    If your sleuth detective work is based on my gifting to others

    The only way I can see that WGT could link different accounts together is if they are using the same method of paying for stuff ie same credit / debit card / Paypal account etc which is pretty much proof positive . . . or if one account is gifting a lot of equipment / balls to another account . . which is debatable.

    If you're innocent Sam I could certainly understand you being angry . . . and would take the matter as far up the chain as possible. At the end of the day WGT has closed an account and if not yours it's someone else's . . . and that person should be mighty peed off too!

  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:32 PM

    Thanks Lobsterboy, I can assure you I will be. If what you say is true then I would like to know who else has my credit card details !! All i know is I have NOTHING of the osrt the accuse me of and will NOT be wrongly accused in anything I do in life.

    Yes, what you say is true, it does indeed mean that they have mistakenly deleted some account that I certainly did not create lol - lets hope they sort this MESS out soon and I get an apology...



  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:33 PM

    Other than the accusation, which YOU yourself made public, what is the problem? They close an account which you deny being yours....big deal! To paraphrase the immortal Bard, "me thinks you protest too much".

  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:33 PM

    and now my posts are being moderated !!!!! what is this WGT?

  • cicerosam
    167 Posts
    Tue, Mar 27 2012 5:37 PM

    eh? I protest to being wrongly accused - if you were in my position you would feel the same too