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What do you do with Lazy or CC members?

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Wed, Apr 11 2012 12:52 PM (22 replies)
  • AussieNutcase
    128 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2012 4:37 PM

    Hi Im Nut, I own The Royal Nutters Country Club. I have 50 spots in my Club and have 47 filled at the moment. Since I have created the Club I have seen members leave on their own accord as well as removing some of them myself.

    How do you get a Members to be Club orientated? everyone seems to join for themselves and not for the friendships or participation of tournament playing or creating, or even posting stuff on the Clubs Forum.

    I try to get games with the Members who dont check messages ,just so I can talk to them. It is the only way to get their attention, or I boot them from the club with a message that they can return, just it was a last resort to get their attention. I have spoilt my Clubs members with lots of upgrades and have wasted money, YES MY MONEY, on un appreciated players and ONE SCAMMER TOO.

    How do i get a 50 squad team tight nit group of friends and players??????


  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2012 5:00 PM

    hi NUT

    i can feel your frustration,i own a club that had about 25-30 members of which only say 10 played cc tournys.the others i have kicked out for never taking part.I like yourself  have massaged them and tried to play them but to no avail,so i am going to shut shop and join a club myself.Yes i have gifted clubs and balls,like you out of MY OWN MONEY and even had people join take wot they can and leave in less than a week,so why should i bother.Keep at my freind all will come good.

    best wishes


  • BogeyOne
    1,999 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2012 5:03 PM

    Try getting a TeamSpeak or a Ventrilo account for your club.  Both are very inexpensive for what they return.  On your club message box, announce that the club now has Ventrilo (or TeamSpeak) and for members to message you to request the necessary set up info.  Then, on top of that, send a personal message to all members saying the same thing.

    Then give them a little time to gravitate to one of the program you chose.  After a little time, when everyone gets to know each other better through this "party line" style of talking, you should see more involvement.

    We have it in Senior Citizens, and it has done the trick.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2012 5:19 PM

    Send them all a message saying that any member who doesn't get involved in club activities over the next month (or whatever time frame you want) will be removed. Make space for players that are interested in being part of your club. Remember it's quality not quantity that makes a great club.

  • DanWidget
    1,307 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 3:36 AM

    Frustration is the key word when running a club and I think nearly all but a few suffer from the very same problem. The British Bulldog CC has a core of great members however they are outweighed by members who do nothing within the club.

    I understand that some members play more often than others however if the ones that aren't so active want to play then why not play a club comp?  All clubs have their own forums but only a few can be bothered to post on them.

    You have to ask what exactly some members want from being in a CC as they join never to be seen again.  Personally I think they are missing out as it is far more fun to play alt shot games with friends and share a bit of banter.

    Keep plugging away and as long as you have a basis of good, interested and active members your club will grow,

  • carlbcfc
    601 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 6:22 AM

    show a few not active ones the door ( harsh but works )

    i had a cull and got rid of 10 this morning soon wakes the rest up 

    we are lucky in our cc though because its subject related ( football, soccer ) so its a passion we all have and it has great banter as thats how fans see it ! 

    hence why we are football fans uk and the majority are golfers also with a passion for football and golf so in that respect we are lucky and we are arranging a proper meet and a day at a course for a few off us this summer with about 10/20 members so far.

     a good drink on the 19th is key to the meet though it takes time buddy but you as a leader need to show them who`s boss and keep the troops happy and trial and error is the key message them all asking for opinoins why your a smaller cc before you get your hands full ours has now built upto its own website with 50 members on the website also for when wgt is down so we can all have banter on there also 

    find out what your players want and what you want then build on it 

    hope that helps



  • maxwere
    919 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 6:40 AM


    Hi Im Nut, I own The Royal Nutters Country Club. I have 50 spots in my Club and have 47 filled at the moment. Since I have created the Club I have seen members leave on their own accord as well as removing some of them myself.

    How do you get a Members to be Club orientated? everyone seems to join for themselves and not for the friendships or participation of tournament playing or creating, or even posting stuff on the Clubs Forum.

    I try to get games with the Members who dont check messages ,just so I can talk to them. It is the only way to get their attention, or I boot them from the club with a message that they can return, just it was a last resort to get their attention. I have spoilt my Clubs members with lots of upgrades and have wasted money, YES MY MONEY, on un appreciated players and ONE SCAMMER TOO.

    How do i get a 50 squad team tight nit group of friends and players??????


    It takes time.  We are all basically insane and video game addicted to begin with.  So, throw logic and reason out the window :).  Make sure you use polls to gauge what people like to do and when they're around.  Keep your club tourneys going with critical mass and forums organized.  PM me, I'll give you a roster screen scraper analysis tool I use to manage 250 and some other ways to host fun things that I don't want the big boys to know ;).

    Social networking is chaos.  The key to chaos is "critical mass".  Objects in chaos will be attracted to all things with enough mass.

  • peoch
    1,127 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 10:55 AM

    Hi pdxdriver, try to get them on skype works fine in my cc, and u can talk and play at the same time . very fun try that.

  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 11:33 AM


    Hi pdxdriver, try to get them on skype works fine in my cc, and u can talk and play at the same time . very fun try that.

    Hi Peoch

    have tried skype with other players and yes it's fun,but i am closing my cc when the last cc tourny is done.still you live and learn.

    best wishes


  • DanWidget
    1,307 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2012 12:13 PM

    Well pdx it's always a shame when Owners throw in the towel but it is sometimes understandable. Not only is it the cost involved running a CC but the man hours also and most members just don't realise what people do to try and keep them running.

    If you feel that you would like to join a CC then British Bulldog Country Club would be only to please to accept you.