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Golf Balls

Wed, Apr 4 2012 6:50 PM (4 replies)
  • Tommy1putt
    1 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 11:56 AM

    It frustrates me that when I run out of a particular ball, WGT automatically replaces it with the WGT starter ball and not one of my other "purchased" balls. Regardless if it's the same ball or not - if I buy or win different balls, or receive them some other way, I would think I would get the choice to replace my ball with what I want to play. Any chance of building this functionality into the game? Thank You

    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2012 2:38 PM

    there's a lil thingy that pops up...when u get to ya last ball...BUY SOME MORE !!!

    the rule's department manager will be bye and give you an official reason why shortly...

    or u can do a small forum search...and u will find A GAZILLION...threads..just like yers..


    hit em good.. 

  • ReaperG4
    4 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2012 11:16 AM

    Here's the problem with the "Buy More" option.  From time to time, you get promotional balls that you use.  When you run out of one of those in the middle of the round, you should have the ability to specify which ball to begin using at that time.  Lets face it, if you were on the course, you would reach into your bag and make a choice on which ball to play, so why not here as well?

  • kjarvis001
    25 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2012 3:02 PM


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Wed, Apr 4 2012 6:50 PM

    For right now, I suppose I'll be the rule dept.  In most PGA and I think all USGA events, golfers are req'd to use the same kind of golf ball throughout the course of a round.  In the case of running out of your type of ball, you can run to the pro shop and buy more, or you can withdraw.  In this game, you can buy more balls at any point up until the last hit that either uses up or loses the ball, and they will be placed in your inventory and used, even if purchased mid-round.  However, WGT forgoes the draconian measure of forcing a withdrawal if one can not make such a purchase before losing their sole ball, allowing players to at least finish the round, albeit with a starter ball.

    So what seems unfair on WGT's part is actually a more lenient interpretation of the rules of most professional tournaments.