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My suggestions for improving WGT - UPDATED

Fri, Apr 13 2012 8:45 AM (2 replies)
  • Scottmetfan
    1 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 1:41 PM

    Let me start by saying that I love this game and think you are doing a great job with it.  However, I would like to recommend some upgrades, if possible.

    Add a driving range where users can try ANY club they want from your inventory, regardless of their level.

    Add a putting green where users can practice both putting, chipping and sand play

    Please FIX the remove players option.  You should be able to see all your friends in a list and select whoever you want to delete by clicking on a check box and then deleting all those checked.

    Block players should not be done from your Account page.  You should be able to go to the Players listing, search for and find a player and then block them.

    I set up alternate shot games quite often.  After I select my partner, the system allows the other team to determine who tees off.  But, the other team often does not make the selection, and it can lead to arguments and cancelled games.  I recommend having a default player selected to tee off and a timer of 10-15 seconds if they do not make a selection.

    Balls... When you run out of balls during play, don't default to assigning the player a range ball.  Let them select another ball from their bag, or let them buy more at that time.

    Conceding Putts - Before the game starts, both sides should be allowed to agree that 2 ft and under putts are automatically conceded - or more or less.  Then, you don't have to wait for them during the game or remind people.

    Avatars - It would be great if you had more control in building your avatar (size, shape of body and face).  Right now, all guys and girls look alike, and it would be so much fun to build your own person from scratch.  The outfits should also be improved, with new ones added.  If someone wants a hat, they can have one, or select the type of hat they want, for example.

    Thanks for listening...


  • fronny25
    280 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 6:41 PM

    hi scottmetfan

    i very much agree, plz , when yr ball runs out, why cant u go in yr bag,,ive had many times,where..ive had 6 good balls in the bag,but the ball u get is always the unlimited 1s,,u need a hole,few shots anyway,, get the metre speed difference sorted..



  • Lanyo
    123 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 8:45 AM

    Agree with everything except auto concede 2ft and less putts if thats what you mean.

    Theres a few putts out there that are right stinkers even from close range.