IMHO there are definate advantages to having the ability to place a ball where you would like, then hit it from there multiple times. A few examples would be: If you wanted to see how far your 6 iron would go out of 40%-50% rough. How much distance do you need to add to a 60yrd shot that has 3 feet of up hill and a 5mph wind in your face. Chips, sands and pitches from various lies. Sure, if you can afford to spend a ton of time in the game you may eventually figure all of this out. Maybe. I mean, I am sure there are still many vets on here who have not tried various shots becaues they have found a specific shot that they know works for them. That certianly does not mean that the other options are not viable. And had there been an option to replace your ball etc....they may have discovered other shots they like better.
Anyway, I take notes right now because anything I learn from each shot is valuable for consistency. I agree, taking notes is not a bad thing. I would just like to have the option to rehit a ball and or place it where I like.
My 2 cents and because I am new I realize they are not as valuable. However, I am speaking from a beginners point of view and may change my mind in the future. I do not think I will though..
Thank you all for your time my friends.