BmaEngnr92: Just invoice my secretary, she'll set up the details.
MedfordMel done told me he faxed over our new catalog and such but the line wouldnt connect and whatnots. Mel will get it to you onew way or another - we are common men, but we get it done when it is of the needing to be done and such.
Thanks I am Yancy
That's very interesting. She mentioned nothing of the sort to me. However, you should know that she doesn't have opposable thumbs, so seemingly trivial matters can be quite tricky for her. Nonetheless, I'll have a talk with her in the morning.
Once we get this fax situation under control, I would also like 70 of the YancyCan Stress Reliever Kits. It would be great if you offered a discounted price on bulk items, considering my condition.
I most certainly look forward to many years of doing business with you, Mr Yancy.