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Skins game

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 16 2012 1:50 PM (1 replies)
  • Crazy3
    107 Posts
    Mon, Apr 16 2012 12:31 PM

    just finished a 9 hole skins game - no winners - all 9 skins carried over to last hole & last hole halved. Game ended with no skins won. Would like to see game continue until a winner.

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Mon, Apr 16 2012 1:50 PM

    see thread titled: Skins Gms.

    Happened to me too. Glad it ended, had other things to do.

    Time is a good reason to end it. Should there be a limit to the number of extra holes? What about a time limit? First one in the cup wins all carried over skins?

    Probably lots more options on how to distribute carried over skins credits, but my favorite is the current method, and if you have the time to play longer, then set up another skins game.