I don't know why we still don't get the points. Why??
If we play 4 people and two quit after the 6th hole, why are we punished for continuing?
Even worse, if we're playing one guy for 8 holes and he quits in the 9th, we're robbed of points - may as well be playing alone.
If we still got the points I'd be less inclined to care That much. Quitting when we still get the points takes less sting out of it and makes it less personal than making us put up with a quitter for 5 holes only to get nothing out of it but irritation and frustration.
Best option is to make friends with everyone you play that plays all the way through. Send invites, get invites.
Another option would be to make a thread named "I'm not a quitter". Everyone who isn't a quitter - post in the thread. Then there's a "network" of people who'll commit to playing all the way through.
Good luck guys. I haven't been quit on in 2 days! May the luck continue....