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Peanut Labs - 5 Consolation Credits

Thu, Apr 26 2012 8:25 PM (59 replies)
  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:31 PM

    This thread needs help

  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:39 PM

    This thread needs help


  • Ffudd
    2,541 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 4:24 PM

    I can not believe the looser's that have nothing better to do then to spam threads with useless unwanted crap. 

    Actually, most people appreciate the occasional light-hearted post in the threads. If you post in the Community Help forum you can't dictate who is allowed to reply or censor what they are allowed to say. Your issue is with Peanut Labs and / or WGT so why try and bite other peoples' heads off ?

    So sorry you are so untalented and uneducated

    You're a Master, they are Legends so how does that work exactly ?

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 5:09 PM

    He have big gun.  And the shades to prove it. ugg

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 5:12 PM

    Anyway, back on topic.

    We had to steal four walnut whips from Doreens shop, and all because we couldn't find the peanuts. Now what sort of sport is that, when Lambert can so easily feel the difference? That's no sport at all.

    So come on lab rats. Pay up.

    Lizzie xx

  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 5:22 PM

    This thread needs help

  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 5:28 PM

    This thread needs help

  • Bodycarver
    99 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 5:36 PM

    Jim if you need help on this any further. Then PM me. this forum is useless to try and help or to get help. Nothing but spammers


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 10:24 PM

    I can not believe the looser's that have nothing better to do then to spam threads with


    Even I can spell "Loser" you dumb f.ckin hillbilly. Ignorant, go back to prison where the hell you came from.

  • MioKontic
    4,645 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 4:33 AM

    I agree with Carver.  Lizzie, stop spamming, you are no good at it.  Stick to what you are good at - entertaining us.  The best way is by posting in threads that have nothing to do with the subject of your driv post (to those with no brains that is), yet so relevant to those with some imagination, and intellect.

    There, I said it.  Now again I have to go find another place to hide because I'm sure she would find my current hideout, just like she found the last one.

    Before I go, on the subject of peanuts and labs, I'm looking for some 3mm strimmer line for a petrol strimmer.  But no one seems to sell anything thicker than 2.4mm.  What, you may ask, has this got to do with labs, or peanuts, or PeanutLabs?  You may indeed ask!  Well, it's for the bowls club, and we're trying to make it look nice for when John Parrott comes to open our new green on 14th May.

    Come here, there's more (copyright, Jimmy Cricket).  In October of 2010 I planted a walnut in a flower pot, after having kept it in the fridge for 6 weeks as directed by instructions I found on the interwebbings about growing walnuts.  Last summer (that would be the summer of 2011 - I looked it up on the calendar), I saw a squirrel on my shed.  Ahhh, how nice.  Nice, but weird.  Weird because I live on a housing estate, and I've never seen a squirrel on a housing estate before.  Plenty of them on golf courses, but never in my back garden.  I have seen a few hedgehogs in the back garden, and front garden too once, in the middle of the day.  Anyway, a couple of days after I saw the squirrel I decided to check up on the planted walnut for any signs of growth.  Nothing!  Worse still, half the shell was now 'above ground', and the other half, which was the colonel's house... oops!  I mean which seemed to house the kernel, was nowhere in sight.  I know that because I couldn't see it, not with my own eyes anyway.  And there was a hole in the soil leading to where the whole walnut used to be!  Now I'm not blaming the squirrel in any fat shape or form, but what I want to know is, who told that squirrel of my walnut???  I was going to call in CSI and NCIS to investigate (maybe Abby would come over and take some samples back to her lab (there's the connection with Labs!), but because there had been no growth whatsoever of the walnut, I decided to let it go... this time.  Next time the squealer may not be so lucky!

    Glad I was able to bring this subject back on topic.  But topic has hazelnuts and not peanuts.  Snickers, or to use the real name, Marathon, is the one with peanuts.

    Y'know, every thread is just a maximum of six degrees of separation from any other thread.  With Lizzie's help we can bring them even closer together.  Of course, quit(t)ing threads are not separated at all, as aren't the 'how do I turn off this putter pal crap' threads, except by the numpties who start a new thread 30 seconds after someone else has already done so.

    So, you see, the connection is obvious, if you just care to take a deeper look - I got no consolation credits either.