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Better Puter Pal UX

rated by 0 users
Wed, Apr 18 2012 1:59 PM (0 replies)
  • BadAssPutz
    3 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2012 1:59 PM

    One of the major complaints I've heard regarding the Putter Pal — and I agree with them — is that player find it confusing.

    And it's obvious why ... poor UX design.

    The main focus is on the power bar movement, the distance markers are secondary, therefore design the Putter Pal accordingly, i.e. put the markers behind the power bar, not in front.Or, just have the vertical lines notched at the bottom instead of all the way up.

    Also, try making the lines less bold, more of a gray tone rather than a bright white. The perfect solution would give the player the ability to adjust the intensity according to their own need.