Yeah I've noticed there really isn't what I would call customer service on this site.
Since it's run similar to poker site I feel they should have better service . I mean it's not like people don't spend enough money on here.
It certainly seems as though the only customer service is in forum posts.
Is there any way to make it better such as more moderators or live chat ....
You know the same thing any other site that charges money does for their client base..
Also How is it that I can deposit money and buy prestige items similar to say pokerstars website.... BUT I can't cash out my credits at the same value purchased ?
I mean if it's gonna be almost the same as a gambling site! Make it so we can make money off of good play in tournaments and make it worth our while a bit.
Everything is relevant here to poker sites . almost identical in operations.
Minus the customer service and bonuses.
This is gambling no matter what some think. I can pay to play in tourneys and win credits . seems like gambling to me .