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Making Gameplay Better and Faster

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 23 2012 12:37 PM (3 replies)
  • Papadish
    16 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 7:42 AM

    I've been playing this for over a year and have some thoughts an suggestions.

    1. Clocks.

    There should be only 2 choices, 60 and 90 secs.  Fast clocks do not save time they just create more shots due to bad ones and timeouts.  Coffee or bathroom runs become an adventure.  I played a 30 sec round with 4 and it took 45 minutes to play 3 holes... everyone was gone by the 4th hole.


    2. Slow clock, fast gameplay

    To speed up play just add an option on setup for gimmees. 1, 2, or even 3 feet and let the game auto-finish.  How many times I sat there waiting for all those reloads I can't even guess but it is a whole bunch and is the biggest bottleneck in this game.  Cutting down unnecessary reloads is the best way to make gameplay faster.

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 9:23 AM

    i agree 100%.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 9:35 AM

    I also don't like playing short timers, but others do, so why take that away from them?
    when you choose a multi-player game, choose your desired time frame and be done with it.

    as to game auto-finish, well that's not golf then.
    I don't want a script to finish my game for me, maybe it's just me.
    plus, people have missed a putt from 2-3 feet, seen it happen, so.. that's my 0.2 anyways

  • Papadish
    16 Posts
    Mon, Apr 23 2012 12:37 PM

    I said add as option when setting up game.  If someone wants to play without gimmees, then so be it, but honestly, how many misses come from inside a foot or two and just check out all the time wasted for those reloads.