By Stephanie Wei

South Korean native Yang, the ‘09 PGA Champion and the man who took Tiger down, has jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. Hooray. He’s taken to it pretty well and “@replying” fans. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty pumped when he responded to me after I welcomed him.
Several people questioned whether it was really him because he speaks through an interpreter for interviews. I was skeptical, too. But in my experience, I know it’s sometimes easier to read and write in a second language than speak it (especially in front of a large audience). Still, some of his tweets were a tad too grammatically correct.
Yang answered our doubts last night when he tweeted:
Yes its me. My agent gets to type in the stuff in English. Yes My English needs improving
Surprise! And he’s honest. And he gets an A for effort. And I like his tweets. Follow him.