The "WGT 19th Hole" series focuses on featuring the players, personalities and country clubs that make up the global WGT community.
Young46 - Putting and Streaming

This week's WGT 19th Hole player was selected because of his well-known WGT video tutorials and streams via YouTube and Twitch. He says he "enjoy[s] chatting with new and existing people who are tuning into my stream and on occasion being able to provide a tip or two that may help them on their WGT journey."
Watch all of Young46's videos here.
Young46 started playing WGT after it was suggested to him on Facebook and he "instantly became addicted from that moment forward." He joined the East Coast Country Club shortly after starting and says he "was lucky enough to find a group of awesome people that were willing to put in the time to help me get better. If it weren’t for people like Dstylie, Jaggy2005, pgatour4me & Lizard69 I probably would have quit shortly after making Legend and going through the woes of adjusting to life from the back tees!"
When it came to choosing his WGT player name, Young46 says it was simple: last name + old baseball number. And while we know him as Young46, his friends and family know him as Jason. When he isn't sharing his WGT replays or tutorials online, you can probably find him coaching his twin sons and their select travel baseball team: "Opening day in our household is more exciting than Christmas."
His coaching skills are obvious after watching the WGT tutorials on his YouTube channel, so we asked if he would be interested in creating a few putting tutorials to help out other WGTers. He generously agreed, so if you're struggling with your virtual putting or just want a quick refresher, check out the videos below...
Young46 WGT Putting Tutorials:
While Young46 is a virtual golf veteran, he's also no stranger to the real golf course. He took up golf at the age of 15 after seeing the popular movie, Happy Gilmore. As the story goes, the day after he watched the movie, a friend gathered up his dad's old persimmon clubs and they went to the local municipal course. "My first tee shot was of course a Happy Gilmore style drive...the contact was solid but the direction was just a tad off and ended up slicing about 60 yards and struck the windshield of a moving car!" (Ouch...)
What equipment do you keep in your virtual golf bag?
Do you have any WGT stats you're particularly proud of?
"I am proud of my putting stats and of course the Hole-In-Ones. Putting is the only stat I actively check because I put a lot of time in practice mode honing my putting skills. My one putt % is nowhere near where I want it to be but it's on a steady climb. My goal is to be above 70% by year's end. We believe in you!
What tips would you give to new players?
"If you are looking to become a better player I would suggest four things:
1) Spend as much time in practice mode working on your putting as you do playing regular games. Equip an unlimited ball or a free ball and go try new things and find out what method works for you!
2) Chart your shots. You will be amazed at what you can learn by simply opening an excel sheet and taking notes on each shot.
3) Learn to play every shot. I see too many players who only rely on one type of shot only around the greens (usually a flop). I'm personally a huge fan of pitches and punches but can play them all equally well.
4) Don't be scared to reach out to the better players and pick their brains. I've asked for advice from most of the top players in this game and I have never had anyone be anything but helpful and courteous to me."
WE WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU! If you'd like us to feature you or someone you know in a future "WGT 19th Hole" profile, please let us know at: players[at]