To celebrate the Team USA vs. Team Europe spirit of the weekend, we're giving you a free Country Flag ball effect today, 9/30 just for playing WGT!
While you're cheering for your side at Le Golf National, use the Country Flag ball effect to represent your country colors on the course.
We're giving you 50 free hits of this ball effect just for logging in to WGT this weekend, then you just have to turn on the effect (find the magic wand icon in-game!) and select your country.
Your free gift will be added automatically to your inventory, just click the ball effects icon (magic wand) in-game to turn it on or off.
And whether there's a big sporting event going on or not, you and your WGT friends can fly your country colors -- they make great gifts! Find them here in the WGT Pro Shop.
*Special offer for WGT players who log in and play on 9/30/18, get Country Flag Ball Effects (50 hits) free.