Get ready for the upcoming holiday season with a free Turkey Ball Effect and XP Boost today!
Simply purchase 1,000 or more WGT Credits now through 11/13 and you'll get a free XP Ultra Boost (giving you +40% XP) that lasts for 3 days.
Plus, you'll also receive a free Turkey Ball Effect, adding a festive vibe to each swing.
Your XP Boost will take effect immediately, once added to your account, to start earning extra XP right away! You can use your credits to upgrade your virtual equipment and apparel, and compete in paid games for prizes.
To turn ball effects on/off, just click the magic wand icon (on web) or tap the ball (below your swing meter on mobile, PC or Mac).
*Promo available through 11/13/20, get one free XP Ultra Boost (3 days) and Turkey Ball Effect (500 hits) when you buy 1,000 WGT Credits or more.