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So, what now?

Wed, Sep 17 2014 10:48 AM (282 replies)
  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 5:11 PM

    I started playing WGT a little under a month ago having read that it was a great "free" online game. Having played a lot of console based golf games from the days of he good old Commodore C64 through to the latest Tiger Woods PGA incarnation on the Xbox I thought this was a game for me. So, as much for me as anyone else here's my experiences so far and my plans for the future.

    First things first. I decided fom the day I started that I wasn't going to pay a penny to play the game. If that meant I couldn't advance then so be it. I'd let the videos role and do the odd survey (not giving away too many sensitive personal details) and pick up free credits where I could.

    At first I found the game tough. In fact I still do. So I set myself realistic targets. First up was to play at least a few holes ever day to climb the levels ladder and try to break the 18 handicap. After a week or so the target became a 9 handicap. I began to realse quickly that I needed better equipment. But didn't have the credits. However then came the free rental offer over the Masters' weekend. So I tried out some middle ranging clubs to see what I could achieve. And sure enough there was an improvement and I found myself shooting an average of about 2 over with the odd below par score. Hardly groundbreaking. I decided there and then to be patient and wait before spending my few credits until I could afford some really decent equipment. Clubs which would not need replacing until much,much later. I did some reserch, looked through the pro shop for good value, reachable without hitting Levels in the 90s. This is the list I've come up with:-

    Driver - TM R1 TP 9.0, Level48, Cost - 2 495

    3W - TM R11S, Level 41, Cost - 665

    3H - TM R11S, Level 43, Cost - 665

    Irons - TM RocketBallz, Level 68, Cost - 2 195

    Wedges - TM ATV, 60 and 64, Levels 86/87,  Cost - 1 195 each

    Putter - Nike Method, Level 77, Cost 2 000

    So here I stand now, about to make my first purchase. I'm at Level 48 and have 2 392 in the bank. Within the next 48 hrs I'll have enough to take the plunge. And perhaps against popular thought it'll be for the TaylorMade driver. My reasoning is simple. At the moment my standard driver gives me a paltry 225 off the tee. Meaning at least twice a round I can't make the green in two. Frequently three or four times a round when the wind's against. The TM will offer a non wind assisted 275. It's a no brainer to be able to reach pretty much every hole and have shorter shots in in all but the par threes.

    Will this policy get me regular sub par rounds? Can I afford not to keep getting decent balls and saving for the next club upgrade? Time will tell. And then what?

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2013 7:10 PM

    Welcome, Fekdrink, to the game!

    You asked a number of questions and I'll try to help.

    First, you have to understand that there are players who have been here for years and who have a lot more to offer you than I can (and they will if you ask!).

    Here's what I think (you can look up my stats and be underwhelmed by them - but nobody is playing for cash at WGT).

    1. Yes, buying better equipment will be necessary. However if you spend time reading the Forum, you will find "Legends" who used 'free' starter equipment for quite a long time.  How fast you wish to advance is up to you.

    2. Yes, new equipment costs credits - many have watched videos and taken surveys to support this 'habit' (obsession).I have read of a number of people at the level of Legend who state that they have never spent a 'cent' on the game (a.) I'm nowhere near that level and (b.) I've spent a lot of cents buying equipment.

    3. Choosing the equipment:

       Personally, I think that you have assembled a GREAT list of clubs FOR THE FUTURE.

    I have the R11S 3 wood  and R1 and love them!  At Lvl 48,  I think that the R1 driver is a 'no brainer' - no doubt someone will disagree - but what other driver offers that range, precision, and forgiveness?

    Most of the better players here recommend against the hybrid - instead recommending 3 wedges (in addition to the PW that you bought with your irons)

    The other high level clubs that you've listed will be great LATER.  Not a day goes by that I don't look ahead to the day that I can upgrade to the "BIGGER & BETTER" clubs because I just know that the "better one" will make my crappy approach shots fall into the hole and make all of my 60 ft putts fall (if ONLY I COULD READ THE DAMNED BREAK!!)

    I think you see the point - certainly get a better Driver and Wood and then learn to use all of the clubs in your bag  --  OH and Before I forget -DON'T BUY A BAG - IT'S GINGERBREAD AND DOESN'T CONTRIBUTE (one iota) A DARNED THING TO YOUR GAME!!

    4. Better Balls - WOW - there have been so many threads written about this that .........

    The flight characteristics of the balls matter when you have enough experience to take advantage of them!

    If you have a problem with the speed of the meter (AKA 'Feel'),  spend a little more for balls that are slower (have more 'Feel' dots).  If your eyes are getting weak (like mine), consider buying the 'vapor' balls (LOL at myself here - as if seeing the WGT generated interpretation of my missed 'ding' shot will make a difference on the next try). 

    This much you, probably already know!  I suspect, also, that you realize how important it is to master the clubs in you bag - and know what they will do under playing conditions -  SO WHADDA THIS GOTTA DO WITH BALLS?

    If you keep switching between the Callys, Nikes,WGTs & TMs what you're doing is confusing yourself!

    At your level, IMO, you should be learning about 'spin' and recovery from muffed approach shots.  IOT do that you have to use a ball with more than 1 dot of spin.  Many players with stats that make mine look puny (actually most stats do that) use WGT cheapies - I can't - the meter moves too fast - but the Cally 33+, gives me the feel, spin,etc. that are comfortable - so that I can learn to control my clubs.  

    PICK 1 and use it - until you learn your clubs!

    4. Sub par rounds - Man, I gotta pass here and let someone who has them, on a regular basis, answer that!!

    5. It's a game - It's a game - it's a game  -  (Repeat this often enough and you may even believe it!!  ; )

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:54 PM

    Welcome to WGT Fekfrink.


    yes many have had their initiation to WGT very much the same as you Sir.

    "I wont ever spend a dime"

    Alas, as we get better we become more competitive and justify our expenditure with the enjoyment we get and we compare the spend here to other superfluous spending in our day to day existence.

    You club selection is very very well thought out and a good one.

    That R1 driver will see you very well for a loing time as will the R11 clubs.

    I would concur with the person above on all but on 1 thing.

    This is a computer game and not real golf. Although the dynamics are similar, we don't need to apply the same strategies.

    I would avoid the hybrid and buy a 3rd wedge, 3 evenly spaced wedges will give you a better chance of landing on the green to short putting.

    Personally also, I didnt find the Nike Putter much good for me and went through my levels of WGT recommending the TM Ghost putters.

    Keep in mind the transistion between your existing clubs and your new arsenal will take some getting used to. Dont give up and persist.

    Yes your new equipment will help you achieve sub par scores, however it isn't all about the equipment of course.

    I would have to also recommend some balls. If you look for balls with a 'feel' rating, these will slow your meter down.

    Srixons may be a good start for you or even the Level 33 Callaways.

    I personally prefer the balls with a (S) Spin, rating rather than the ones with a (D) Distance rating. The spin will offer you more control , the distance is not reflected in the caddy distances so .. more maths or guess work to consider with every shot.

    Having said that, I see many very good players able to control those wgt standard free balls (rocks) very well.

    Continue with the surveys, you will also develop a knack for those and realise to just tell them what they want to hear. The surveys will probably keep you in balls.


    Good luck and happy hitting!


  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 2:45 AM

    Thanks Wheels65, SHRUDE for the welcome and the advice.

    I'm currently happy to play the odd Tournament round here and there and be patient for the fireworks. Hence the strategy of waiting for the right clubs to come around rather than rushing to buy the first thing that's on offer. Clearly my wish list may change but one of the reasons that most are on there is that apart from their obvious attributes distance/precision/forgiveness/etc wise, they all (putter excepted) have a very similar meter speed.

    I take your point SHRUDE about getting used to the clubs and have already found that it's not instant success with my new TM Driver. With the old Starter one I never ran out of fairway but now, as I'm still playing off the "Pro" tees, I'm discovering that I often have to be canny with my drives and hold back on the power. 

    The buying of better balls is an interesting topic. I did buy a three pack of Calloway i(z)s for 300c when I rented the equipment over the Masters weekend and they certainly made a difference. But fell apart awfully quickly. So I've made the call, right or wrong, to focus on getting a very good bag first and then start buying balls. If I keep climbing the Levels at the same rate (I've checked the xps needed), that should be in about six to eight weeks time. Meanwhile next target is the TM RocketBallz Iron set at Level 68 for 2 195.

    Anyway off for a quick nine at St George's. Hit par several times but never broken it yet so fingers crossed.


  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 2:43 AM

    And so it came to pass that on the 30th day I did hit my first proper sub par round. I say round it was actually only nine holes at St Georges. And when I say proper, I did hit a couple of one unders when I had hired clubs over the Masters weekend. But nonetheless a 33 I'm chuffed with. Hell, I may even win half a dozen credits for being in the top seventy.

    One of the things I do like about this game is that because it's tougher that the average EA sports type thing you do get a real buzz from these little achievements. Mind you still 17 levels and about 1 900 credits needed before I can buy my next new clubs. Which is a bit of a downer.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 12:40 PM

    Welcome to the game Feldrink.

    Great advice so far and not a lot to add. As above I agree with most of your club choices for the future and agree with the three wedges. Basically the short game is where you can put a good score together, so three wedges is a must.

    The one area I don't agree is the Irons, I personally think the Rocketbladez are much better (yes more expensive as well) but are high trajectory so you will hold the greens better and are fine even from legends tees.

    Sadly to score well the balls do make a big difference, so as Shrude says, it is worth doing surveys to keep you in supply.

    Whatever putter you do go for eventually, stick with it as they all take time to adjust to. Also some putters are better for the "ding putter" (the Nike Method is great IMO) or a miss the ding putter.

    You are doing well but take your time and learn as you go. I played this game for a year (I too didn't want to spend real money - now I personally think every cent I spend is good value), watching vids and accrued credits. When I made Master Tier I was then in a position to buy decent clubs (which you need when you get there). Even then I only used the Tour SD Ball which gave me a little help over the starters ball. Yes it is harder to score consistently with starters gear, but it is possible, and add a few good wedges - you will start scoring more consistantly - so this should be your starting point.

    This is a great game, and much more difficukt to master than other golf games as you pointed out but well worth it.  I like your attitude in so far as you set yourself goals - this is what I did and to date, my most memorable 18 holes I played was shooting 2 under par the first time with starters and not having a bogey (and I have subsequentky scored slightly better).

    Just continue to enjoy and learn as you play - try and learn all types of shots (bearing in mind some shots work better than others on different courses).

    Enjoy the WGT journey.


  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 12:55 PM

    Welcome to the game and the forum!

    Seeing you take the way of the "reluctant spender", let me add some thoughts on your plans.

    You are a level 51 Pro, almost Tour Pro. That won't change much for you, only a transition to very fast greens. Be warned that your situation will change severely when you will hit the Master tier in a few weeks.

    Thus, some more patience now may help you then, because the clubs become better with the levels, and you may save a few more credits.

    One of the most praised sets are the G20s, available at level 58. The irons are the first to give "high" trajectory. You may choose to take other clubs, but then, too, the better clubs come later.

    You got yourself a driver, this helps. Two short wedges will be good for you short game. Regarding putter, wait until you had a chance to try the level 55 Rossa.

    Anyway, have fun and hit it straight!

  • Sca63
    203 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2013 3:25 PM

    My two cents for what it's worth.....

    Level 32 TM R11's are great irons (replaced them with same at level 90).

    I love the TM Hybrid for "punch" shots out the rough that is 30% or higher and do not see the need for a total of 4 wedges.

    Level 55 Rossa putter is very nice, level 77 Nike Method is very expensive and not that much better but I do like the Nike

    Level 33 Callaways are what I have set my budget at and still using them - do not see that changing any time soon.

    Drivers..... that is the puzzler! As you tier up the tees move further back and we must be able to reach the fairways so you end having to replace the driver regardless.

    Welcome, fairways & greens to ya!

  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 10:02 AM

    My heartfelt thanks to atlanti, alosso and Sca63 for your input.

    One of the most pleasant surprises thus far has been the kindness and time afforded me by fellow players. I give my self credit for a reasonable level of intellect and thus planning a logical approach to playing the game is relatively straight forward. However there is no substitute for experience and I am delighted to be the beneficiary of such good advice from those far more experienced than I.

    The big question for me is not which clubs to purchase but when. As I have said before I'm in no great rush and as long as my interest remains I'm happy to wait for the right gear rather than buying something I'll want to replace in a month or sos time. I'm currently picking up 120 - 150 credits a day by watching videos and doing the odd survey and advancing by roughly a level a day. Clearly that (the level advancement) will slow as the XP increments increase. But I think I will for the moment on up to Level 68 and make a call then as to which iron set to purchase when I have a number of options open to me. I do however fully take on board the points made about trajectory and spin.

    With regards the putter and wedges ditto really, though I accept everything said thus far about the need for better equipment. My short game is atrocious particularly the putting. If I judge the putt right I find I miss the snap and if I hit the snap perfectly I find I've malaligned the putt. I suspect I'm not the first newbie to suffer this problem. So at the moment I'm just trying to get the distance right and hopefully not three putt too often.

    Once again thanks for all the great advice

  • Fekdrink
    138 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 2:00 PM

    And now it looks like I'll need some more help as I've advanced to Tour Pro. They could have given more than 125 credits for the achievement though.