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hack amateur pro master what are the averages?

Mon, Apr 24 2023 9:25 AM (143 replies)
  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 6:02 AM




    I've been Amateur with 94 average... Now I'm Pro Tour with average 94 and I've seen Master at level 60  I'm not good at playing this I'm 72 and my fingures don't hit the mouse click fasted enough any more.... dos that mean that I will never be a Master?  lol,, but I try my best 

    If your enjoying the game then don't worry about it and just have fun, If your desire is to shoot better scores and move up in tiers- there are some ways to slow the meter down a bit and some equipment changes that you would need to make.


  • SamSpayed
    4,913 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 8:12 AM


    I do not know ( would like to find out ) . If a PC player only falls under the Mobile/Coin criteria ?

    Could he simply play exclusively in the coin rooms and advance with the Mobile/coin algorythm ?

    As I mentioned in another thread, nobody falls only the mobile/coin criteria.  Everyone can tier up based on ranked rounds/average or by mobile/coin performance.  Both sets of criteria are in play, for all players, at all times.  Whichever criteria you achieve first will get you there.

    So, yes, he could play coin rooms and advance to the next tier that way.

    Mythanatos is an example of a player who plays both ranked rounds and coin games.  He has tiered up via both methods, and has posted about it here in the Forums, and has also posted the details in his Blog.

  • SamSpayed
    4,913 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 9:49 AM


    Why am I not promoted ? I have a winning % . I have beaten more than a fair amount of TL's , C's , and TC's .

    What is keeping me from being promoted if there is no limit on the ranked rounds ?

    You wouldn't qualify for promotion to TL based on the ranked rounds/average algorithm due to your average (61.83).

    As far as your not being promoted to TL via the coin room algorithm, I can't say why that's the case.  Unfortunately, nobody knows the details of that algorithm.  But I can offer this.  Mythanatos, who got promoted to Champion via the coin room algorithm, played a lot of rounds (I'm guessing hundreds) in Bellagio, and beat a lot of the top WGT coin room players there on a consistent basis.  I'm guessing you haven't done that.

  • HamdenPro
    2,424 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 2:28 PM

  • el3n1
    4,495 Posts
    Tue, Mar 28 2023 3:46 PM

    this might sound abrupt but you really need to learn more or stop acting like you know more than you do at times.

    A standard if there is one . We know nothing about .

    a standard YOU know nothing about. it is inappropriate to lump the rest of us in with you using We.

    there is a valid reason some of us, don't openly discuss the details of what has prompted some of the promotions in coin room play - because when people learn what those things are - they either exploit it or try to manipulate it.

    fact is - IF wgt has found a way to promote some deserving players without them understanding what is going on - then it is good for the game by forcing better players to get promoted when they are deserving.  

    btw - if you truly paid attention and reviewed the status, details and info shared by those in the forum that discussed getting promoted by coin room play - you could do the same thing I have done - and gathered a bit of insight into the contributing factors.  but that might be part of the problem - you don't pay close enough attention - versus just finding as many excuses to post as possible.

    -- for the record-  Mythanatos was more than deserving of his promotion and he pointed it out in the forum and his blog that he was promoted before reaching the ranked round requirement which meant his promotion was based on coin room play.