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Re: C'mon WGT, be honest....

Tue, May 29 2012 7:51 AM (67 replies)
  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 3:09 AM

    The reason - they think the game is bugged, or some how the game causes them to hit aberrant shots, continuously. If I or other players don't see these anomaly's and are able to still post good scores, it has to be that the people who complain aren't playing the game properly. 

    OK, I'm a bit irritated now. Richard, I brought up 1 specific shot that seems to be happening more and more. I has had this conversation with some top players on here who say they have noticed it too. 

    I do agree with you in the sense that there are some players that do blame every bad shot they play on the game or some kind of problem. I am NOT 1 of them. I'm upset with myself if I have a bad round and shoot a 30, so imaging how excited I am when a good round is messed up simply cause the ball decides to fly it's own course and not where I aimed (I'm not saying where it ends up here).

    You say it must be us that just aren't playing the game properly, well, to be honest, you're not as good as you think you may be, hell, I'm a long way from where I want to be, so I wonder (as was mentioned before) would you even notice that the ball started slightly outside where you aimed? That "slightly" can make a very big difference on some holes. 

    In this day and age of WGT, where a 29 is needed in a RG to break even, every little shot out there makes a difference.

    Anyway, I'm not trying to start a forum war here, but rather than assume that we must be lying or trying to make ourselves feel better for a bad round/shot. Rather not comment on something that, as you admit, you haven't seen yourself. 

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 3:30 AM

    There's nothing wrong with this game and you and the other complainers just need to learn how to play it. LOL!!

    The thing is maybe WE DO know how to play the game, so "maybe" you need to come up to our standards then and you might realise these things happening.  On most holes i can land long irons to 2 yards of pin due to knowing my irons inside out and how they react with wind.  I've even posted a yardage table with callaways & nikes with spin & without spin and people were questioning the yardage table i had submitted in forum, over and over trying to pick holes in it, but now i've found a lot of the top players use  SAME yardage table to calculate shots.

     I'm on the side of PB, as he said, you might be on a decent round, have a par #3, aim 10 yards right, yet your DINGED shot starts off from default pin location not your aim marker.  Now this is nothing to do with us not being able to play the game, neither is a 100 yard wedge travelling 100 yards in 18 mph TAILWIND.  These shots are nothing to do with the players, but down to WGT either by DEVIATION or another factor i've been thinking about, the actual game physics.  When the game was programmed at beginning it was all starter equipment.  Now a few years later all the dots are full on equipment so maybe, just a slight maybe WGT shot computer cant take in all the calculations and differs the shot to a starter ball, or forgets to add wind.  This might not actualy be deviation but just bad game physics, not intentionaly, but just program cant keep up with everything, especially if we've played shot quickly.

    I know personally i'm a perfectionist, and EVERY round i aim for a 60 or below score, most times i can achieve this but the times i dont its down to the  factors i mentioned, deviation, shot physics and also my mistake's.  My mistakes i can live with, a few deviant shots too, but when there's say 4 or 5 a round it gets to you because you know you could have birdied those holes where your 135 iron went 138 yards in 18 mph headwind.  But no matter how bad the round was, the good thing about this game is next time you play i bet a decent round pops up and you will forget yesterdays blues.........Yes it pi55es you off at the time, but its the same for every one, just that us perfectionists notice it more and bugs us more, there's nothing we can do about it, so best not to get worked up, so relax have a ciggarette and get on with it.  I withdraw from $2 ready go, only to miss out on a 56 in $5 R.Go due to my erratic putting on a 5 footer.  So this is what keeps us playing as we never know what every round throws up!

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 6:12 AM


     its the same for every one, just that us perfectionists notice it more and bugs us more, there's nothing we can do about it, so best not to get worked up, so relax have a ciggarette and get on with it.

    Now Chris is making some sense.... 

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 6:16 AM


    I'm not on you at all. I answered to your quoted post.

    And just so you know, I've been a Legend player longer than all the time it took me to become a Legend player.

    And just so you know Richard, your math is wrong. 

    You've not been a Legend player longer than the time it took you to become a Legend.

    You started: 9/15/2009

    You moved to Legend: 2/2/2011

    (The date all original Legends remember as the day you stopped dissing Legends. LOL)

    Length of time as non-Legend: 505 days

    2/2/2011 to today: 483 days

    You will be able to correctly use your statement in about 3 weeks, or 22 days to be exact, on June 20th.

    Compute well Richard4168


    This message presented as a public service to insure accuracy of forum information and is not intended as an attack on anyone. 

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 6:44 AM

    Richard,Nothing gets past Andyson, I've been put in my place several times by the slightest in-accuracy in my statement, so in future make sure you are totally correct before posting. Nice 1, always pleasing to read.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 7:14 AM

    Nothing gets past Andyson

    LMAO Chris!  TYVM!  Its a curse!

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 7:16 AM

    Wow Andy.. I thought I get bored at work.... atleast someone is keeping us honest... gotta appreciate that

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 29 2012 7:51 AM

    I thought I get bored at work

    LMAO. Better ask him how long it's been, basking in that Arizona sun, since he's actually had a job. A brilliant mind that isn't succumbing to retirement.  ;-)