danohi50: Try aiming way left and hitting your meter 1" to 11/2 late tadaaa a nice fade or slice getting round the corner with ease.
I agree that works, but your losing quite a bit of distance. The trick is trying to get the longest drive from hitting ding.
Full top spin, with 90% power, hit ding - Top spin will keep the ball on a lower trajectory, and give good roll-out as well.
Hold the aiming line just off the edge of the tree(s) - On holes with hanging branches, always use top spin. This will more than clear the trees.
On shots with a head wind, use full power with above steps.
Using the above methods will greatly reduce a players chances of hitting branches at Olympic, and have a shorter approach shot too. Everyone has there own methods for executing shots in this game, but this is a quick lesson to a better round. : )