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Re: Response to Uneven Lies - Draw/Fade

Fri, Oct 26 2012 8:28 PM (37 replies)
  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 5:06 PM


    Now going back to regular clubs and standard ball is another thing altogether.  If we could go back to slower greens and shorter holes maybe it would be such a shock but trying to play Olympic from the back tees on tournament green speed is a little too much for me.


    We've put together a Starter Clubs and Ball with Uneven lies Tourney. Look for it in the Community Organized Touney's thread. We'll be playing from forward tees so we can reach fairways and greens.Please consider playing in it and asking some of your CC members to play with you. We want to play it in at least twosomes.

  • meetnutz
    9 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2012 8:28 AM


    work in progress guys ,, work in progress

    i don't see this feature being rolled out in to ranked games anytime soon .. it will take a while to perfect .. dunno why another thread on this is necessary either .. but i'll say my bit anyway ..

    there are lots of us who play real golf .. granted, we are no pro's, but some years ago i played off a 4 handicap & i know that marginal uneven lies don't affect direction & distance all that much .. 

    given a shot-shaping function, which is only a matter of time, and which has been mentioned as a future feature, uneven lies can be compensated for with opening/closing the club face slightly .. the more shot inputs there are, the more difficult execution becomes .. right now we have distance gauging, wind-, elevation- & b'spin / t'spin compensation .. throw in correct uneven lies & shot shaping, and things get real interesting kinda quick ..

    and i've played most of the other golf games .. even with what we have now, it's hands down the most difficult & realistic golf game i've come across .. not only in terms of looks, but also in terms of ball physics & behaviour .. 

    give it some time .. it'll get there

    if all you pro's are now talking about stance and grip, open or close face of club ...  whats next, balls with  nicks and cuts effecting shots...  how about balls in divots and there affect, and for that matter  how about playing in the rain or moisture on the greens slowing balls down...  and with the wind, how about the wind speed and direction live with constant variables so if a gust comes in at 42mph so be it, if it changes direction by 45 degrees too bad...   and best of all you can be like "rodney dangerfield" and have a stereo and beer keg in your bag to rattle your opponent...and I'll be (bill murray)carl spackler, huffin hog knuckles and ruining everyones game by blowing up the course

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2012 2:47 PM

    We've put together a Starter Clubs and Ball with Uneven lies Tourney

    Here's the link if anyone's interested: The Trans-Atlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open" aka 'The Tough-It-Out Test'

    (and please note, because it's all in practice mode, it won't affect anyone's averages. Yes, it's tough to try Uneven Lies with Starters, but it gives you a whole new type of game play, where Old Man Par represents a real, and satisfying, challenge. Hope some of you will give it a try.)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 5:09 AM

    You forgot your nose knows thing.

  • meetnutz
    9 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 9:30 PM


    You forgot your nose knows thing.

    just for you...."I got my Nose on you"           and here is a new one for you jimbo......


    SNIFF-SNIFF....     my "Nose" is sniffin something... and it ain't  "smelling good"

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 4:42 AM

    LOL. Musta been plugged. Only took 2 weeks to respond.  :-D

  • meetnutz
    9 Posts
    Fri, Oct 26 2012 7:19 PM


    LOL. Musta been plugged. Only took 2 weeks to respond.  :-D

    no,    I had a life..  but I am back just for you...  she never gets plugged she only blows


    ps  3wks now....  maybe the flu there jimbo

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Oct 26 2012 8:28 PM

    If you're going to bump this thread, don't talk about nonsense. Don't hijack the thread, but further elaborate on the topic. 

    Thanks guys!