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Response to Uneven Lies - Draw/Fade

Fri, Oct 26 2012 8:28 PM (37 replies)
  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 9:55 AM

    Most of us can conclude that the Uneven Lies was a fail. It could be such a great feature if the effects weren't so dramatic.

    I think in response to Uneven Lies, you guys should come out with a prototype of the Draw/Fade option. Of course you would have it only in practice mode for feedback purposes.

    In conjunction with Uneven Lies, the Draw/Fade option would come in handy and would widen the array of shots that could be taken. With these two features perfected, we could see a whole new WGT.

    What do you guys think?

  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 10:16 AM

    I would like to see the uneven lies be perfected and put back into play, however I'm not sure that it will ever be done.

    I would rather that WGT doesn't put the draw or fade option in the game, that would actually make the game easier.  Having to early or late hit the ball to simulate a draw makes it more difficult.


  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 10:30 AM

    I would rather that WGT doesn't put the draw or fade option in the game, that would actually make the game easier.  Having to early or late hit the ball to simulate a draw makes it more difficult.

    I don't think it make the game easier. I think it would be more of a risk/reward sort of thing. The more you try to shape the ball, the less forgiveness you have. Then again, with draws and fades, distances will change depending on the severity of the movement. 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 4:10 PM

    The more you try to shape the ball, the less forgiveness you have. Then again, with draws and fades, distances will change depending on the severity of the movement. 

    Firstly, the unven lies was a flop as it was totally unrealistic eg a very slight incline and the ball lands 30 yards short but was worth trying but needs a LOT of refining.

    I actually like the idea of a fade and draw option and agree that provided the forgiveness rate lessens with the degree of shot shaping.

    However to truly shap a ball 2 main factors come in to play, stance and grip. Is it possible for WGT to allow for these via a buttons near the club selection panel. This would allow for shot shaping but bear in mind, that if you dont hit the ding on these shots there would be little forgiveness resulting in a wayward shot. If you choose not to touch them there would be no change.

    I suppose my concern would be that those of you who NEVER miss the ding, the game would get even easier - for me at my level it would be a challenge lol

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 7:59 PM


    Most of us can conclude that the Uneven Lies was a fail. It could be such a great feature if the effects weren't so dramatic.

    I think in response to Uneven Lies, you guys should come out with a prototype of the Draw/Fade option. Of course you would have it only in practice mode for feedback purposes.

    In conjunction with Uneven Lies, the Draw/Fade option would come in handy and would widen the array of shots that could be taken. With these two features perfected, we could see a whole new WGT.

    What do you guys think?


    I think I read a suggestion like that in one of the many threads on the matter.
  • cip1957
    346 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:28 AM

    Right on the money. To add to your comment, this would force people to be more of a feel player rather than have cheat notes. Those sub 60 rounds would be more realistic, adding 5 to7 strokes per round. Players who normally are within 5 feet on every shot will now be 10-15ft. A welcome addition if done properly.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:50 AM

    Have any of you gentlemen, the wgt programmers or engineers played MS Links Golf (last version Links 2003) in a skilled ranking? If programmed properly it is very possible to have all of these features; uneven lies, open/closed club face, ball in stance, inside/outside swings in a golf simulation game and have it play excellent. All of which can, given a proper menu selection, be selected and implemented quickly.  More challenging yes but very realistic. As a matter of fact if there was a decent online gaming site for Links I wouldn't be playing here, as much as I do enjoy wgt for the most part.

    IMO throwing in these types of lies without having the other realistic compensating  abilities, like Links has,  that go into making a shot is half arsed. Will it work with some tweaking? I am sure they can figure something out but In it's present stage it needs a lot of work. I have been playing around with both games over the past two days on courses of similarity and to me WGT is vastly missing the mark on this one as it stands.

  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 8:42 AM

    I think the programmers should call in a REAL golfer in to help them decide what results are best for thisUNeven Lie feature.

    Any real life golfer could have told them that this first programming draft is just to aggressive and not at all realistic.

    Maybe just start with only the Fairways and get that right after member feedback.

    Then the rough.

    and finally the Bunkers.

    And please keep this in Practice Mode.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:37 PM

    work in progress guys ,, work in progress

    i don't see this feature being rolled out in to ranked games anytime soon .. it will take a while to perfect .. dunno why another thread on this is necessary either .. but i'll say my bit anyway ..

    there are lots of us who play real golf .. granted, we are no pro's, but some years ago i played off a 4 handicap & i know that marginal uneven lies don't affect direction & distance all that much .. 

    given a shot-shaping function, which is only a matter of time, and which has been mentioned as a future feature, uneven lies can be compensated for with opening/closing the club face slightly .. the more shot inputs there are, the more difficult execution becomes .. right now we have distance gauging, wind-, elevation- & b'spin / t'spin compensation .. throw in correct uneven lies & shot shaping, and things get real interesting kinda quick ..

    and i've played most of the other golf games .. even with what we have now, it's hands down the most difficult & realistic golf game i've come across .. not only in terms of looks, but also in terms of ball physics & behaviour .. 

    give it some time .. it'll get there

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:52 PM


    Right on the money. To add to your comment, this would force people to be more of a feel player rather than have cheat notes. Those sub 60 rounds would be more realistic, adding 5 to7 strokes per round. Players who normally are within 5 feet on every shot will now be 10-15ft. A welcome addition if done properly.

    LMAO.... I guess you consider every Pro golfer on the PGA Tour  who keeps his notepad in his hip pocket with all of the course info he needs a cheat. Let me see that would be what, 100% of them and their caddy's.

    You think Tiger Woods, Rory McElroy, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicholas, Gary Player etc etc etc are/were all Feel Golfers without notes? I am sure you would agree, these gentlemen hit &  putt from just about every position on the golf course and take notes as an aid to base their shot decisions on any given course for tourney play. So do the better players in this game, that is called knowledge not cheating. Ever hear the expression "Knowledge is a powerful thing".

    So I guess your calling the Legends and other better players in your CC that have or use notes on the courses, Cheats. Bet that's gonna go over big with them. What ya think Max, Cycle1979, Willstrs? You ever use the putting and shot distance aids found on ECCC's web site that you are a member of ? If you do or did, is that cheating to you? Or do you consider those even being there to use cheating?

    I have all the respect for these gentleman and others who legitimately logged thousands of rounds to perfect their game and certainly don't consider them cheats.

    na na na na na Be the Ball.. Right?