cycle1979: I will take their word for it and move on.
Say the serenity prayer 10 times and I guarantee you will feel better guys.
I for one am a big supporter of boycotting Sandbagger and Multi accounters.
I will add though...I have been playing more M/P randomn players and have met some very good people on here. Whilst I dont play for credits I do always play ranked rounds. Heck I just recently found out how to play practice rounds believe it or not lol.
I love it when a person sets up a practice M/P and I find myself teeing off the Baby tees lol. Its alot of fun :)
I guess what I am saying is I am lucky to not have experienced the bad sportsmanship, quitters and such playing multiplayer games. I do not enter random A/S games though because I would lose my mind if someone quit halfway through a match . I try not to set myself up for disappointment and usually only do 1 vs 1 M/Ps.
Im on a 8 or 9 game win streak BTW. I wish WGT would give extra XP points for win streaks and other great stats accumulated as you play in these type of games. I feel it would promote more people to play these games and lower the quit rate because people would be playing for something other than just a win.