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Re: sandbaggers and multi accounters button?

Tue, Nov 27 2012 10:41 PM (36 replies)
  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 11:00 AM

    Many sandbaggers won't show career earnings because to have career earnings you must compete in ranked rounds.  Therefore, over time if you are doing well in tournaments/ranked rounds you will be forced to the next tier.  They avoid this by playing challenge play with a tee advantage (skins and match play challenges).  These earnings will not show up on their career earnings.

    As to the member stated by putts... hard to say if he is a serial sandbagger as to not having a lot of recent challenge activity but its possible.  Too easy to game the system still.. not sure what WGT has done to enforce this but hopefully they still have more in the works.

  • andrewp7
    127 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 2:50 PM



    It should also be known that if you want to report a player, please contact our support department here:


    Stay classy,


    save your energy guys ....even if you report someone and provide proof via screenprints where the individual either admits he has more than one account or provide some other type of definitive proof - they still wont do anything.

    I have resolved myself to it being a lost cause and so dont get nearly as aggravated as previously.

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 3:23 PM

    I'm with you Andrew... I originally was trying to advocate for those players that are getting screwed by these sandbaggers but it really doesn't affect me.  It only hurts WGT in the long run.  They are saying they are doing something and will eventually be forced to as customers decided to leave after they get cheated.  

    I will take their word for it and move on.

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 3:42 PM

    I will take their word for it and move on.

    Say the serenity prayer 10 times and I guarantee you will feel better guys.

    I for one am a big supporter of boycotting Sandbagger and Multi accounters.

    I will add though...I have been playing more M/P randomn players and have met some very good people on here. Whilst I dont play for credits I do always play ranked rounds. Heck I just recently found out how to play practice rounds believe it or not lol.

    I love it when a person sets up a practice M/P and I find myself teeing off the Baby tees lol. Its alot of fun :)

    I guess what I am saying is I am lucky to not have experienced the bad sportsmanship, quitters and such playing multiplayer games. I do not enter random A/S games though because I would lose my mind if someone quit halfway through a match . I try not to set myself up for disappointment and usually only do 1 vs 1 M/Ps.

    Im on a 8 or 9 game win streak BTW. I wish WGT would give extra XP points for win streaks and other great stats accumulated as you play in these type of games. I feel it would promote more people to play these games and lower the quit rate because people would be playing for something other than just a win.

  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 6:12 PM

    Cycle 1979,

    I think u hit the nail on the head!  WGT is doing as well as they can to put a stop to the sandbaggers. I am presently a Master and I personally love to see good shots by anyone and play WGT & real golf for myself, I don't feel I need to prove anything to anyone but myself.

    Again I like ur ideas.



  • smolarek
    6 Posts
    Fri, Oct 26 2012 7:40 AM

    so true....(name removed) is a multiaccounter.vile human being.i reported him months ago after he was so rude to me when i was beating him in matchplay.nothing was done about it.everyday he is attacking someone new on here by posting obscenities on their walls.literally every day. wgt just said theyd look into it even after the vile screenshots i sent them.nothing was done and he continues to attack wgt players who he meets.

  • mikemcknight
    62 Posts
    Tue, Nov 27 2012 10:41 PM

    I agree with everything you say brian and these people are just miserable "spongers" feeding off everybody else's hard earned cash, however, nowadays on this,they post the players "Match-Play" record which was an ingenious idea and has stolen their thunder :). Only for that I would have packed up a game I really like.