I hear you Roger but check out the players in "Professional Sandbaggers CC". These guys blantantly abuse the system waiting for players to steal credits from and (from what the owner states on his profiile) earn enough credits to purchase Amazon gift cards. All due to their ability to shoot for the shorter tees.
I disagree. After looking at their club, you are tossing out one heck of an accusation here. They have one pro, one tour pro, two masters, and five tour masters.
Just because someone says credits are their sole priority to win doesn't make them a cheat. This is the problem WGT is faced with.....people falsely accusing a player as an intentional cheat because he won a match against a bitter player.
There's just no basis for calling the entire club a group of cheats. And, if they were cheating, wouldn't they be more secretive? Common sense applies.