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sandbaggers and multi accounters button?

Tue, Nov 27 2012 10:41 PM (36 replies)
  • hpurey
    11,517 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 4:41 AM

    Now that Matchplay is included in the ranking system,  if you are a Legend and are playing a suspected sandbagger in MP....  then just let them win,   unless it's for credits matches.  


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 5:44 AM

    Easy solution to all this......

    Don't play challenge matches for credits...   or if you do, build a trusted friends list and just play the challenge matches with them.

    A trusted Friends list can also work for all the differant modes of the game aswell... Stroke, Alt Shot and M/play.


  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 7:28 AM

    I hear you Roger but check out the players in "Professional Sandbaggers CC".  These guys blantantly abuse the system waiting for players to steal credits from and (from what the owner states on his profiile) earn enough credits to purchase Amazon gift cards.  All due to their ability to shoot for the shorter tees.  

    I understand your position and that players should be cautious as to who they play but for players to blatantly steal credits from others is a bit ridiculous and should be evaluated by WGT.  I'm glad they've acknowledged the problem and hope they can come up with an adequate solution for all!


  • hpurey
    11,517 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 7:32 AM


    Easy solution to all this......

    Don't play challenge matches for credits...   or if you do, build a trusted friends list and just play the challenge matches with them.

    A trusted Friends list can also work for all the differant modes of the game aswell... Stroke, Alt Shot and M/play.


    Agreed 110%.   But on occasion I will play some challenge matches with randoms but with the understanding that I will probably lose.  ;-)


  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 10:15 AM


    I hear you Roger but check out the players in "Professional Sandbaggers CC".  These guys blantantly abuse the system waiting for players to steal credits from and (from what the owner states on his profiile) earn enough credits to purchase Amazon gift cards.  All due to their ability to shoot for the shorter tees.  


    I disagree.  After looking at their club, you are tossing out one heck of an accusation here.  They have one pro, one tour pro, two masters, and five tour masters.

    Just because someone says credits are their sole priority to win doesn't make them a cheat.  This is the problem WGT is faced with.....people falsely accusing a player as an intentional cheat because he won a match against a bitter player.

    There's just no basis for calling the entire club a group of cheats.  And, if they were cheating, wouldn't they be more secretive?  Common sense applies.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 10:18 AM


    It should also be known that if you want to report a player, please contact our support department here:


    Stay classy,


  • TamMcBam
    50 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 12:41 PM

    Even though you ran from my challenge earlier chop i have to  agree with you. lll play any tour master, master or pro.The sandbagging thing never has bothered me cause im only getting beat if i dont play my game the best i can. I could care less what tees they are on. Before you tee off you can see what tier they are so why wait till they win to come in the forums and complain about it?

    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 1:46 PM

    The sandbagging thing never has bothered me cause im only getting beat if i dont play my game the best i can. I could care less what tees they are on.

    That's quite funny when it comes from people who are members for over a year and a half, waited until this summer (enough XP points for R11's) and then still as a master started running through RG's like they were going out of style. You've been on long tees for a little over 3 weeks now. Mind you, there's nothing wrong with that, it just makes your quoted statement a little funny.

  • TamMcBam
    50 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 2:14 PM

    Thats cause i was part of wgtls and played alot of alt shot then i quit the site cause members were cheating. Yeah i may have just  turned legend  and im doing just fine as you can tell. And r11's mean noting ill switch to the burners and play the same. So with that being said you should be able to beat me in mp all day cause i've been legend for a month huh? Try me m8 any price.

    1,189 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 2:43 PM


    Thats cause i was part of wgtls and played alot of alt shot then i quit the site cause members were cheating. Yeah i may have just  turned legend  and im doing just fine as you can tell. And r11's mean noting ill switch to the burners and play the same. So with that being said you should be able to beat me in mp all day cause i've been legend for a month huh? Try me m8 any price.

    Lol, I must have not worded my post correctly. I have no illusions whatsoever I could take more than maybe 1 game in 10 of you. I signed up for this game a year later than you and my skills are definitely still lacking a lot. Plus I almost never play for credits, just having fun with friends 99% of the time. My point was that it seemed funny that you replied to this thread since you have had the enjoyement of shorter tees for so long. Your activities are only shown from middle of August since WGT cut down on everyone's data (and I had no way of knowing what you did before - wgtls and all). And I clearly stated that it's nothing wrong with that path. My apologies if I offended you with my post, it was not my intention. I merely found the placement of your post to be funny, especially the part where you said sandbagging never bothered you. Never basically meant 3 weeks, since it really couldn't have affected you sooner. But that's just me. Again, I'm sorry for any offense my post may have caused.