Seldom does something rile me, yet ignorance is one of them, but I have said my piece on that.
I wish everyone affected, both directly and indirectly by the devastating events that Sandy bore upon the Eastern Seaboard, the very best.. I personally have friends in NYC and Atlantic City and share in their dismay of the catastrophic storm that occurred.
I have had the privilege to have visited the US many times over the years and know that the American resolve will rebuild and overcome the obstacles that lie ahead. Not much consolation for those who have lost so much, but you have the most precious comodity, life. Sadly some lives were lost but this could have been far far worse had the warnings not been issued - and yes like I said initially, they can be overzealous at times - but for this reason.
I am not sure if I am allowed to do this (forum rules) but I donated to the Red Cross today and urge anyone in the WGT fraternity to do the same if you can - the storm may have passed, but now its time to rebuild lives. in times of disaster you see the best of human nature and sadly sometimes the worst so if you can help in any way, I urge you to do whatever you can.