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Before you play this week

Thu, Nov 1 2012 9:27 PM (66 replies)
  • chewy8baca
    263 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 7:22 AM


    While most of us are enjoying a friendly game and some rants and raves this week end, just stop and spare a thought for all those that are being ravaged by the hurricanes and storms,  

    It only takes a breath to take your Life- House-Children and loved ones away.

    Just spare a thought.


    My thoughts also



  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 7:58 AM

    10am this morning. (Monday).....water is getting close. Worst will be at high tide tonight around 11pm. Storm is still about 250 miles away from us. 

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 8:53 AM

    Looks like we are in for a rough ride tonight...C'mon down Bubba there's plenty of room for you on our 3rd floor roof for you to play manly man... I'll even supply the superman cape....LMAO

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 9:46 AM


    "It's water"

    Is something to worry about Jim....had 5-1/2 ft. in my house in 98. Had to totally rebuild.... I want to tell ya that is a big pain in the a$. 


    I can see where Jim is coming from. He might not realize just how much damage water can do. What they are talking about is a wall of water that could be as high as 11 feet. That would do serious damage. Flood damage like what you had is bad but with a storm surge like they are talking about many homes could just be washed away with nothing left. 

    What I can't see or understand is Bubbadorks attitude. 

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 9:48 AM


    There are a lot of things (storms, etc.) that take people's lives.  On the other hand there are a lot of ignorant pussies that panic over the slightest little thing.  I guess people are looking for excitement and stories in a life where such things are extremely rare.

    Not a good thing to say in a time like this.  Why is it so hard for some people to simply say something nice ... or nothing at all ?

    I hope that all the families of the affected areas are ok.  May God bless you all.

    I myself am a survivor to a big earthquake ... I DO PANIC OVER THE SLIGHTEST THING, not only when I feel personally threatened but one develops more consideration towards others whose lives could be endangered by these kinds of events.

  • Caspiian
    11 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 10:35 AM

    Russellie your thoughts are appeciated. You have no reason to apologize for anything or anyone elses actions or comments.Thanks and god bless

  • UnluckyHarry
    31 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 12:02 PM

    A hurricane is nothing for Chuck Norris to fear...

    For the rest of you ordinary, sensible folk on the east coast, stay safe and all the best. ;)

  • xtabent
    2,281 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 12:48 PM

    Take care BM ,all the best to you and your family.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 12:58 PM


    I hope that all the families of the affected areas are ok.  May God bless you all.

    I myself am a survivor to a big earthquake ... I DO PANIC OVER THE SLIGHTEST THING, not only when I feel personally threatened but one develops more consideration towards others whose lives could be endangered by these kinds of events.

    My sentiments exactly my friend. All my thoughts and prayers to all affected in the coming hours,

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 1:44 PM


    Hunker down everyone. I have family in the North East, that's where I was I born and raised. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Stay safe, be smart and may all be fine. Look out for the youngins, the elderly, and your pets. Help your neighbors.