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Before you play this week

Thu, Nov 1 2012 9:27 PM (66 replies)
  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 2:04 PM

    it is  5 pm  here monday,  ( Montreal ) north of NY ,  and  we are having verry stong wind ,so i can only imagine  the force of this storm  south of us , i pray and hope , no lost of life  will appen,  hope you all help each other .  We in Quebec are sending  20  Power, truck  with 2 electriciens each ,to help   around Maine  ,Vermont ,  NY state,and we are preparing   more crews  to go help  if needed .........      So  best wishes to all affected ...Francois (Frapp)

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 2:52 PM

    This is one mean storm, and its huge. i live in the chicago area, and there are coastal flood warnings here with 25-30 ft waves predicted off lake michigan. 1000 miles away from the heart of the storm.


  • dflop
    1,877 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 2:53 PM


    this morning. (Monday).....water is getting close. Worst will be at high tide tonight around 11pm. Storm is still about 250 miles away from us. 


    Wish you well ,that sure looks nasty have my fingers crossed for you all , good luck my friends .

    dflop  !





  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 3:54 PM

    good  luck all n hope too see you all here soon.  .

  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2012 4:25 PM

    All my  prayers for you guys  on the NE Seaboard. This looks to be a big'un. 

    Stay safe. 

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Oct 30 2012 10:22 AM

    Reports say more than 8 million customers are without power on the East Coast today (Tuesday).  Its no wonder we haven't heard from our east coast friends this morning.

    And I'm really quite surprised the WGT site is up knowing the WGT servers are located in Jersey City, New Jersey just a few miles west of Manhattan.

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Tue, Oct 30 2012 10:33 AM

    Safe and Sound here. The water got to 23 feet from the house and then dropped back down. Its up again today but at about 30 feet from house. No power in 97% of the town, overall were all ok. Likely wont have power for about a week. But we have generators. 

    Huge Congrats to the weather people who called this thing 6 days ago. They damn near hit the exact spot where the storm found land. We had plenty of time to prepare.

    Now we will have plenty of time to rebuild. :)

    Glad to see bubbadork went into hibernation.


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Tue, Oct 30 2012 11:23 AM

    The man who is in charge of the front desk at our church rec center grew up in Queens. He said 23 houses were washed out to sea. And 80 to 100 more were destroyed by fire caused by downed power lines. A really bad situation. 

  • bigdaddie1
    2,694 Posts
    Tue, Oct 30 2012 11:43 AM


      On the other hand there are a lot of ignorant pussies that panic over the slightest little thing.  I guess people are looking for excitement and stories in a life where such 


    Are you happy now? BubbaDORK!