My My 2 pages and still no answer, does everything have to be a secret.
If you line up the edge of the blue box with the flag from the golfers view point, that is apprx what a 5 mph wind will move the ball for a straight side wind. double it for 10 and so on and so on etc etc.......
Have fun now you have an exact measurement to move for a side wind.
Interesting, thank you. Can you clarify a point though? The aiming marker (the upside down blue triangle) is in the middle of the blue box, so if you want to offset for a 10mph wind do you line up the 'second' blue box with the edge of the first or with the blue aiming marker on the first i.e. the 'middle' of the first box. Obviously there is only one box in reality but I'm thinking of either sticking something on my screen or just guestimating where the edge / centre of the first box was.
Two things, not sure what your question is because there is only 1 box, if you move it half a box to line it with the flag and you need to double it 10 mph, you would need to put the edge of the blue box where the triangle was/is for 10, rinse and repeat for further.
In addition I have used this method with various different clubs and balls and I'm sure it is not exact, however it's better for me then "that looks about right" and obvious to me at least if I'm about to hit full top spin or going downhill significantly with back spin then slight adjustments are done.
I'm a little slow, but I have often seen the flag stick advice, but as near as I have seen here, and I may be missing an important feature, but I see no way to start moving the flag around and laying it down for measurement purposes.
But the idea for me is to get reasonably close without the need for complicated formulas. I have stiffed plenty of wedges to drivers using this method as well in some significant side winds, so i like it. Will it always work, of course not, to many other things get factored in for anything to be perfect.
Furthermore the golfers viewpoint is the only reasonably consistent camera angle and provides a distance perspective that the other camera angles do not. That's why rulers or stickies wont work because the further you are away the smaller the distance of moving the marker in relation to your ruler or sticky.
In my 10's of thousands of shots here, I have only had 1 perfect 1, so I may not be the best person to take advice from, and I'm also not a Tour Legend, but I play one on TV.