Oldbayrunner:Players at those levels get the advantages because they earned their way by playing and taking the time to get to those levels and get the better clubs..Why should players that have tiered up via the current short cuts get special privileges to get what others have had to wait and work their butts off through the levels to get. I say no let the system remain as it is where it still takes effort and time for the rewards of better equipment, even for those who have taken short cuts to higher tiers.
You know thats a pretty screwed up thing to say to me, what freakin shortcut did i take, so i cashed, not won a couple of RGs and I at TM was able to knock off some legends and TLs in MP which we like to use in our CC for mentoring, playing with a better player to learn more about shots and short game tricks, SO what shortcut did i take, just curious, since you seem to think i did not earn my legend status. Look at my stats brother before you assume anything.
Also looking at your stats,you have not won or placed an stroke play tourneys, and i even have more stroke play rounds in tourneys than you do, so dont tell me about time played. LOL
LMFAO...Where did I in any part of my post single you out... My post was my thoughts in general referencing your statement.. No where in it does it contain a "YOU", directing it at you or singling you out.
For the record.. My prior statement is based on right now seeing TM's with consistent 68+ averages getting their legend buddies to let them win in scored MP's for gifts to drop their averages get to legend. Sorry my good man to me if ones sole intent is to make legend in that manner then that is taking a helluva shortcut. I will counter that by stating I feel if one is close in average and happens to better higher tiers through righteous play then good for them and they deserve it based on how WGT is set up now. For me I went through the grind of lowering my average and have the satisfaction knowing the effort it took to make legend in that manner. That does not make me a better or worse player in my mind for accomplishing it that way.
Not unlike you I reached legend tier at a earlier level for equipment that would make it easier for my legend tier, at L85, and had to play with what I had until I could get the L90 R11's I have now. That took some considerable time, just like it did for a helluva lot of others. And I, like anyone else, learned to play with what I had until I leveled up, There was a benefit to me in adjusting my game learning to get better playing with what I had at the time. Remember no one forced legend tier upon us or twisted our arm to make legend. We made it no matter how of our own accord. Do you really expect special privileges because of that and WGT should change their method of obtaining equipment because you chose to make legend at earlier level than the equipment you want while others before you have had to wait levels for the equipment you would like to obtain?
Tourneys...What? Sorry my good man that is only a different mode of play. You think this game is all about WGT tourneys and RG's and those stats are the only ones that count and playing those is the only basis to guage another's abilities?...lol...interesting
Who said a damn thing about time played....another misread of my post????
PS the state I live in until this past month was restricted from playing RG's....for which I still wouldn't play because I don't like playing them or Blitz or CTTH's.