dear mr jimbog1964
do you have a personal vendetta against WGT,seems every chance you get since you rejoined you have to put your tuppence worth in. please please take a break because in the rest of your posts the community have told you in there own polite way what they think of your constant aggression towards WGT. I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN INVOLVED IN ANY DISCUSSIONS ON THE MAIN FORUM BEFORE AND CANT SEE ME DOING IT AGAIN BUT YOU WIND ME UP BEING HERE FOR 5 MINS SORRY 5 MONTHS.
Dude this is a post for an actual concern in the game, not your personal whipping page. I think everybody has a right to a opinion on this game as for some of us, its some of our best entertainment and we also put money into it, and i for one am just wanting to get to the best level i can get to. This is fun, so your personal vendetta against another poster, put it up dude, dont need it.