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Re: Vary the length of the meter?

Sun, Apr 28 2013 7:10 AM (56 replies)
  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sat, Mar 16 2013 1:43 AM



    With respect Chinahohn you have offered not one shred of evidence. Who are these too many people? Everr spoke to ONE? ANY POSTS ANYWHERE SAYING IT's GOOD?????????????My meter is fine and the last thing I would consider is some daft youtube posting that wants money now, NO evaluation period even, solving a problem that does not exist.  It's GOT HOAX written all over it................I have NO issues with the ding.......

    I have no crystal balls and thank god for that :)) But I now make a prediction: Were this video to allow to allow ratings under it the same as certain app stores it would get ZERO out of 5, and the comments would be derisory.  Now I remain to be proven wrong by proof of the great reviews from any half decent forum or anything else site....................


    It would appear we are at an Impasse, I cannot prove it works without downloading it and trying it out and I'm not willing to do that and you won't believe it without someone (me or someone else) doing so, and for obvious reasons, no-one is willing to admit to doing so, as they really don't want a ban.

    I do feel you are burying your head in the sand but there is nothing else I can do, I have put the link to the site on your wall, please feel free to have a closer look, but I'd advise you remove it from your wall as soon as you have as I don't think either of us wish to be linked too closely to this.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Mar 16 2013 2:46 AM





    It would appear we are at an Impasse, I cannot prove it works without downloading it and trying it out and I'm not willing to do that and you won't believe it without someone (me or someone else) doing so, and for obvious reasons, no-one is willing to admit to doing so, as they really don't want a ban.

    I do feel you are burying your head in the sand but there is nothing else I can do, I have put the link to the site on your wall, please feel free to have a closer look, but I'd advise you remove it from your wall as soon as you have as I don't think either of us wish to be linked too closely to this.

    We are indeed at an impasse.  I already removed it from my wall so no issues there.  Glad you say you can't prove it.  I actually find these nasty little crap video's generally distasteful as the only people like to buy it are desperate people maybe spent too much and trying play catch up or just plain dumb... etc...............You say it looks real to you.  To me it LOOKS CRAP! same as all the other daft money making scams out there promising...............ChinaJohn there is not even an evaluation period of the full product..any one that buys it must have came down with the last shower IMO.  Cheers!

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2013 7:52 AM


    We are indeed at an impasse.  I already removed it from my wall so no issues there.  Glad you say you can't prove it.  I actually find these nasty little crap video's generally distasteful as the only people like to buy it are desperate people maybe spent too much and trying play catch up or just plain dumb... etc...............You say it looks real to you.  To me it LOOKS CRAP! same as all the other daft money making scams out there promising...............ChinaJohn there is not even an evaluation period of the full product..any one that buys it must have came down with the last shower IMO.  Cheers!

    Finally we have proof, in this thread

    We have a video feed of it being used.

  • groverider1
    228 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 2:40 PM

    my meter has changed length ,,,one round its a normal..length..then the next round its about 6mm longer...can someone plz tell me what the hell is that all about..GR1

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 3:03 PM


    my meter has changed length ,,,one round its a normal..length..then the next round its about 6mm longer...can someone plz tell me what the hell is that all about..GR1

    Yes for everything other than putting mine varies a tad to.  To combat auto ding I guess...........Only way to exactly hit 97% is to use shot pal or calibrate manually each time.....Going carry on looking to see for sure for me but interesting you say it! 

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 4:10 AM

    Looks like a clever ploy to beat auto-dings and sell shot pal at the same time!

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Sun, Apr 28 2013 7:10 AM


    Looks like a clever ploy to beat auto-dings and sell shot pal at the same time!

    If that is a way to beat auto dingers, it is a very stupid way and 100% useless.

    I repeat: The way to beat timer based  auto dingers is to add a random delay when yoy release the shot. To beat the graphic sensors, there are other methods, none of them involving varying the length or quality of the meter.