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Re: Is age really a factor ?

Thu, May 30 2013 7:05 PM (55 replies)
  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 5:11 PM

    Does my itchy finger that causes me to ether hit early or late caused by VEM Alan??   lol


  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 5:29 PM


    I was not going to respond to this post as clearly made your mind up, and we have differing opinions.

    .But I have never called you stupid, or even inferred that, but again I do find you do have a "victims mentality" based on this post, and other posts you have made. Seldom do you offer constructive advice or criticism and find it easier to place blame on "outside" factors.

    I am impressed that you took the time to record and monitor the meter speed using "very good software" and for someone playing the game since April this year, you have certainly gained knowledge of "VEM" quickly, something most players do not find out about so quickly (again I am NOT inferring anything about you). . However all that shows is the meter speed varied, albeit "marginally". To do a full analysis you would also have to monitor each and every process running on your computer at exactly the same time to find any variance and then do a full analysis to give a possible reason, and this can really only be done in a test environment.

    As I did say, it is possible that WGT have added coding to counter the use of auto-dingers - I have never seen these used but personally do not see the value as I do not always try to hit the ding (to counter the wind effect). Having said that, I do not think these are used widely and really benefit a player, unless you really have zero co-ordination (in which case, better off choosing a different game to play).

    My "baseless opinions" were my views, based on my experience playing this game, my knowledge of computers, and also based on the many players who can never accept fault.

    I believe that is the benefit of the forums, where we can all express OUR views and learn from it, if you have an open mind. Sure we may not always agree with each other, then provided all the facts and arguments are laid out, it is then up to the individual to make an informed decision. As I said, believe what YOU want to, just have an open mind.


    If you read my posts i try to be helpful and nice!

    Thank you for your more diplomatic reply. I was merely trying to point out i had done as much as i could to create a controlled experiment and it showed some interesting data.

    As for the comment on how long i have been here, its true i am a new member but i have a long history in gaming and i am very, very competitive. I played at several WCG (World Cyber Games) qualifying finals another game called Counter-Strike when i was younger and i believe i have very good reflexes, this is why when my intuition tells me i am timing something right and not hitting the mark i decide to investigate further.

    My knowledge of the game is limited in terms of in-game play purely because i am not a big golfer in real life and i have only been here 6 weeks so i am learning the courses and what shots work where still. In saying that i have read just about every post worth reading on these forums and in my CC forums and i believe my knowledge of the internal mechanics is very sound to say the least. I play 4-5 hours per day - so thats telling you something, and with my new gear i am starting to hit low 30's.

    Thanks for the discussion and i am sorry for derailing this thread, i would like an answer from WGT though, although it makes sense that i will never get one.


  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 5:48 PM


             I bow to BIB to answer your question - no, I suspect  that the majority of 'WFT' shots are probably from  (inadvertently) selecting the wrong club, the wrong putting power, incorrect compensation for wind, and failure to strike the ball (mis-ding).

            However to deny that, occasionally, inexplicable things happen in this game is to deny the authenticity of numerous replays that, clearly, show VEM, WFTs or whatever you choose to call them.  Balls, less than 50 yds out from the tee hitting an invisible wall, where there appears to be clear sky, and falling straight to the ground? Ok, maybe just a programming error that got corrected during last night's downtime.  Putts that only go 2/3 of the distance that they should, even after you have confirmed the power scale, putter (not wedge), power of the strike, etc.? - You've never seen that?

            Blaming every errant shot or lipped-out putt on VEM is a childish. On the other hand, WGT does 'fess up to the ability to use it - so why bother to contest the fact that it exists?

            Really doesn't matter, I'm playing this game for fun - I could be wrong, but I'm at a loss to figure out how to make a living playing here! 



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 6:14 PM


    Does my itchy finger that causes me to ether hit early or late caused by VEM Alan??   lol


    Hell yes Steven - thats VEM personified!

    Funny I often think, whatever you do, do not hit left etc, so where do I guessed it, EARLY  The power of the mind huh, or the inability of our fingers to listen.

     Funny I used to have a full medical every 6 months (part of employment conditions) and part would be testing reflexes. Once, the doctors back was to me, he turned and hurled a golf ball at me, which luckily I caught (had I not it would have been stitches) and he said, that's good, no problems there lol.

    But when I miss the ding (and trying to hit it) yes of course VEM just kicked in.........or was it really me?

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 7:05 PM

    I dont deny that some hits are unexplainable...such as chipping off the rough part just in front of the geen that keeps you from rolling the ball on the green...i was on the very edge  6 ft uphill with zero backspin and the ball went nowhere and i mean NOWHERE...yea its things like that i really dont get....but the thing i thin alan and i are trying to say is sometimes its just plain old human error...i know some of my mistakes come when i try to be too perfect with the shot...usually wheni got a great ound going and then the adrenilan kicksin and u force yoursel into hitting a shot you wouldntnormally try...its that feeling of being invincible...and you end upscrewing up more...either hitting too early or late on the ding...or maybe you dont pay attention and your on the fringe 15 ft from the hole and the shot power is on 100 ft and u hit it off the other side of the green...i gagree there are some unexplainable shots that happen...but do i dwell on them...NO...i just roll with the punch and make the best out of a bad shot....too many want to blame the VEM on EVERY mistake...its called making an excuse to save face

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 8:07 PM


    Hell yes Steven - thats VEM personified!

    Funny I often think, whatever you do, do not hit left etc, so where do I guessed it, EARLY  The power of the mind huh, or the inability of our fingers to listen.

     Funny I used to have a full medical every 6 months (part of employment conditions) and part would be testing reflexes. Once, the doctors back was to me, he turned and hurled a golf ball at me, which luckily I caught (had I not it would have been stitches) and he said, that's good, no problems there lol.

    But when I miss the ding (and trying to hit it) yes of course VEM just kicked in.........or was it really me?


    Wait.. you're saying you worked a job that required constant medicals.. and one of the tests was reflexes... and the doctor carried out this test by throwing a golf ball at you?


    Do you really expect anyone to believe that?

    A reflex is a simple nerve circuit. A stimulus, such as a light tap with a rubber hammer, causes sensory neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to the spinal cord. There, the signals are conveyed both to the brain and to nerves that control muscles affected by the stimulus. 

    So a real doctor, will tap your knee or another area where nerve endings are easily accessible, not throw a ball at you. 

    Throwing a ball at you would test your reaction time at best.

    Out of curiosity, what industry did this job pertain to?


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 10:03 PM

    Whether you choose to believe it FB is irrelevant, but I can assure you it happened.

    However you have made an ass out of yourself with your assumption - did I state anywhere that the full medical testing was not done (and for the record, not only the knee, but biceps, triceps etc for the reflexes). Yes the golf ball is merely an indication of reactions and awareness  which actually  pertains to this thread, which has incidentally been derailed, so I apologize for my part of that.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 11:10 PM


    Whether you choose to believe it FB is irrelevant, but I can assure you it happened.

    However you have made an ass out of yourself with your assumption - did I state anywhere that the full medical testing was not done (and for the record, not only the knee, but biceps, triceps etc for the reflexes). Yes the golf ball is merely an indication of reactions and awareness  which actually  pertains to this thread, which has incidentally been derailed, so I apologize for my part of that.

    I can assure you, the only one looking like an ass here is you. No doctor in this country would throw a golf ball at a patient period, as a joke, as a test, at all. 

    Not to mention the basic fact you said he was testing your reflex, which as i have explained is not tested by throwing a ball at you. Only your reaction time could be measured by doing  this, and there isnt a single job i can think of that would need to test your reaction time.

    Funny how you failed to mention what job you were getting this so called medical for. 

    Quit while you're behind and try not to make up stories in the future, i have a finely tuned BS meter.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 11:33 PM

    No doctor in this country would throw a golf ball at a patient period, as a joke, as a test, at all. 

    LMFAO - here you go again, I was living and based in Hong Kong, NOT in Australia at the time,(and for the record he wasn't a bad golfer, we played a few times at DBGC) so you know what people say about assumptions!. I chose not to say what industry I was in, because it has no relevance, However if you are so smart, start doing some research to which vocations may require a medical (amongst other requirements) as a legal requirement of your job if it really bothers you,  BTW perhaps your BS meter suffers VEM too, as you are way off in every aspect bud.

    As I said sorry for my part of hijacking this thread,  especially to the OP as he has my respect, unlike some others who would realize when his golf club is stuck up his a........

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 11:47 PM

    i have a finely tuned BS meter.

    Probably due to all the years of Self - Exploration eh...