Hi Yancy,
Interesting technique you're trying there, unfortunately i dont think it will show any significant benefit, other than a possible placebo effect.
As far as i know, muscle memory is more to do with the length a muscle will flex to complete a motion that has been repeated over and over, it is used heavily in FPS games where aiming with swipes of the mouse is key.
What needs to be trained for hitting the ding is your reaction time and reaction time alone. I personally have been using these little gems:
Each day before i play i start off with the reaction test, i am currently avg around 227 and i will not stop until i get within 5ms of this benchmark.
Once i achieve this i do my stars, nothing but all 30 will do..it can be interesting to go and do the reaction test again after this as it will usually be better.
I then play a round on WGT, sometimes doing the reaction test inbetween shots if i feel i am losing it.
I have been doing this for 3 weeks now, my avg reaction time was 255 when i started. So thats a drop of 28ms which i equate to something like 1mm on the ding.
Results? Well before i started i wasnt counting my dings but at a guess it was around half if not worse, i now avg atleast 3/4 of my shots as dings.. putting isnt counted as i am a non dinger for putting.
Interested for others to try this method and see if it helps!