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Is age really a factor ?

Thu, May 30 2013 7:05 PM (55 replies)
  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 4:20 PM


    I don't think that age is a bad factor in terms of reactions since WGT makes it so that you have to get used to a speed that is the same most of the time.  You aren't reacting to something that just randomly pops up in front of you.

    However I do think that eyes are a huge factor.  I have noticed in playing with my son and watching him play, just how much better he is at seeing the putting lines.  My eyes are not good, even with fairly new glasses and corrective vision surgery years ago.  I think that is the biggest disadvantage since that takes the most precise calculation.



    Just to let you know, the club swing isnt always the same on your clubs.. you have VEM to thank for that.

    Have you tried using the zoom function to see the grid better?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 5:59 PM

    Just to let you know, the club swing isnt always the same on your clubs.. you have VEM to thank for that.

    I seriously hope that is a joke lol, it would be a first I have seen that someone blames VEM for meter speed.

    Considering you have several different meter speed with your clubs, it is difficult to establish a norm. That is why many players try to have all their clubs with as close  meter speed as possible. 

    For this reason, and my reflexes are pretty good, if my timing is off I will practice with the starters ball, then all other balls seem slow in comparison - but it has nothing to do with VEM.


  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2013 10:49 PM


    Just to let you know, the club swing isnt always the same on your clubs.. you have VEM to thank for that.

    I seriously hope that is a joke lol, it would be a first I have seen that someone blames VEM for meter speed.

    Considering you have several different meter speed with your clubs, it is difficult to establish a norm. That is why many players try to have all their clubs with as close  meter speed as possible. 

    For this reason, and my reflexes are pretty good, if my timing is off I will practice with the starters ball, then all other balls seem slow in comparison - but it has nothing to do with VEM.


    Try recording your gameplay and timing your meter in slow motion on several different ding shots. You will see there is sometimes a different meter speeds on the same clubs. I assume this is VEM stopping auto dingers? I have become so finely tuned at my ding now i know when it is slow or fast... thats why i went to the lengths of recording it.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 7:20 AM


    Just to let you know, the club swing isnt always the same on your clubs.. you have VEM to thank for that.

    I seriously hope that is a joke lol, it would be a first I have seen that someone blames VEM for meter speed.

    Considering you have several different meter speed with your clubs, it is difficult to establish a norm. That is why many players try to have all their clubs with as close  meter speed as possible. 

    For this reason, and my reflexes are pretty good, if my timing is off I will practice with the starters ball, then all other balls seem slow in comparison - but it has nothing to do with VEM.


    I am talking about slightly different meter speeds on the same clubs playing the same type of shot. It varies.. there is also a little boost right before the ding marker which changes as well. 

    A week ago my brother was here on holidays, he does video editting, after he seen me cussing at my computer he asked what was wrong and i explained the bloody meter was shitting me to tears and went on to explain how i feel the ding is always at a slightly different time etc. He recorded me playing wgt for half an hour on 100fps or something..he was then able to slow it right down and time the ding bar.. some shots had upwards of 100ms different from start to ding - thats with the same club and same type of shot. His software is very expensive and i do not doubt it for a second.

    So i assume, because VEM is about randomly effecting the equipment, that it must randomly change the speed of the swing bar, slighty. Maybe to combat auto dingers?? Who knows.. but it isnt always exactly the same speed.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 7:31 AM

    When your age doesn't end in teen, then you're over the hill. Lol. 

    LOL I remember feeling genuinely sorry for people 19 when I was 16..........Now I am 49 and my eldest is 18! You only notice the age thing when trying to practise games that require athletic spring, which some never have to start with anyway.  He kicked a ball to me the other day but some how the body was behind what the mind said to do...I guess watching him made me forget I take that bit longer................Most other stuff is fine still although the last year did see a need for my first set of glasses (reading only fortunately) :)

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 7:36 AM

  • bluescouse
    1,185 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 8:25 AM

    My reactions are not too bad at the moment I don't think, and I turned 50 last October. I agree with all the comments re. fading eyesight though.

    Mind you, I spend most of my time at work in front of a computer monitor, and a large part of my leisure time either reading (usually on a kindle), watching TV, or surfing the net on a laptop. The result of all this means I have to limit myself to about an hour at a time on here or I start to lose focus (visually not mentally!).

    Modern day life I suppose, but something will have to give soon, and I suspect it will be work!

    Sean ;-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 1:51 PM


    I am talking about slightly different meter speeds on the same clubs playing the same type of shot. It varies.. there is also a little boost right before the ding marker which changes as well. 

    I would say it is probably your internet connection, or your computer, possibly running processes in the background, and therefore you will get varying times recorded, but it is not VEM.

    Having said that, I would not discount some sort of anti-autodinger programming from WGT, especially as you say the speed seems to increase near the ding (I have thought this sometimes especially 3 and 4 irons), but again I have noticed this happens when my CPU spikes slightly (so I let the swing go, well try too, sometimes the finger does not get the message fast enough from the brain lol (perhaps old age is creeping up).

  • TeacHa
    186 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 2:25 PM



    Just to let you know, the club swing isnt always the same on your clubs.. you have VEM to thank for that.

    I seriously hope that is a joke lol, it would be a first I have seen that someone blames VEM for meter speed.

    Considering you have several different meter speed with your clubs, it is difficult to establish a norm. That is why many players try to have all their clubs with as close  meter speed as possible. 

    For this reason, and my reflexes are pretty good, if my timing is off I will practice with the starters ball, then all other balls seem slow in comparison - but it has nothing to do with VEM.


    I am talking about slightly different meter speeds on the same clubs playing the same type of shot. It varies.. there is also a little boost right before the ding marker which changes as well. 

    A week ago my brother was here on holidays, he does video editting, after he seen me cussing at my computer he asked what was wrong and i explained the bloody meter was shitting me to tears and went on to explain how i feel the ding is always at a slightly different time etc. He recorded me playing wgt for half an hour on 100fps or something..he was then able to slow it right down and time the ding bar.. some shots had upwards of 100ms different from start to ding - thats with the same club and same type of shot. His software is very expensive and i do not doubt it for a second.

    So i assume, because VEM is about randomly effecting the equipment, that it must randomly change the speed of the swing bar, slighty. Maybe to combat auto dingers?? Who knows.. but it isnt always exactly the same speed.

    I hope you know that punching with an iron e.g. has a slightly different meter speed than using full, which makes sense since it's a '3/4 swing', also using like 80% of a club might also result in a little different speed, same with putter.

    Don't blame every crap you can think of on VEM.

  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 5:18 PM

    Can you actually read?

    Same club, Same type of shot. Cant make it more simple to understand than that.



    It was not on my end, i was playing on a beast of a machine with very good net. All resources were monitored while we did it.. nothing wrong on our end and my gameplay wasnt different from any other time.. i always have a smooth meter.

    Do you work for WGT? How do you know for sure that the meter is always exactly the same speed? And how do you know VEM doesnt play a part in the swing meter? Or are you just stating your opinion as fact?