I was not going to respond to this post as clearly made your mind up, and we have differing opinions.
.But I have never called you stupid, or even inferred that, but again I do find you do have a "victims mentality" based on this post, and other posts you have made. Seldom do you offer constructive advice or criticism and find it easier to place blame on "outside" factors.
I am impressed that you took the time to record and monitor the meter speed using "very good software" and for someone playing the game since April this year, you have certainly gained knowledge of "VEM" quickly, something most players do not find out about so quickly (again I am NOT inferring anything about you). . However all that shows is the meter speed varied, albeit "marginally". To do a full analysis you would also have to monitor each and every process running on your computer at exactly the same time to find any variance and then do a full analysis to give a possible reason, and this can really only be done in a test environment.
As I did say, it is possible that WGT have added coding to counter the use of auto-dingers - I have never seen these used but personally do not see the value as I do not always try to hit the ding (to counter the wind effect). Having said that, I do not think these are used widely and really benefit a player, unless you really have zero co-ordination (in which case, better off choosing a different game to play).
My "baseless opinions" were my views, based on my experience playing this game, my knowledge of computers, and also based on the many players who can never accept fault.
I believe that is the benefit of the forums, where we can all express OUR views and learn from it, if you have an open mind. Sure we may not always agree with each other, then provided all the facts and arguments are laid out, it is then up to the individual to make an informed decision. As I said, believe what YOU want to, just have an open mind.