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Is age really a factor ?

Thu, May 30 2013 7:05 PM (55 replies)
  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 5:32 PM

    Anyone who doesn't think age is a factor isn't as old as I am. I still think I'm OK (not great) despite the obvious degradations.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 6:02 PM

    It was not on my end, i was playing on a beast of a machine with very good net

    Funny - "it is never my end" and its always a "beast of a machine".

    Do you work for WGT?

    No I don't, nor have ever worked for WGT so they are expressly my opinions based on my knowledge of the game. I always use a CPU meter next to my meter and constantly monitor it on each swing, often I see it peak a little - sometimes as you describe your "speed up", and if I look at the reason a background process is running and directly caused the spike. Oh and I play on an old laptop, wireless connection with no bells and whistles but have it configured for WGT. If I play on my new desktop I have all sorts of issues despite it's specs (a gazillion process running)

    Too many people (including players who have few RR behind them) blame VEM for anything and everything when things do not go right, yet they have little knowledge and wouldn't actually realize if VEM bit them in the butt. They read about it I the forums, or have blamed VEM but really have no idea, and hey, its easier to blame things on others isn't it? But if you want to believe it, go ahead, but your dreaming mate.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 6:33 PM

    I'm younger than bubbadork and i can tell my age is a factor  because i struggle hitting the ding...but i've learned other little things to compensate for the lack of reaction timing....but yea....i agree totally with u bubbadork  age slows everything down....and only a young adult who hasnt been around many older adults would disagree

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2013 6:46 PM


    Does it matter? As long as it's the same for everyone! Tweaking the meter a little time wise would certainly stop every professional drummer, metronome out, dinging whilst reading the paper, and so seems entirely logical! In fact a couple of drummers on here said they can't ding for crap, but are professional rhythm merchants. We all know it's about watching as well, missing against the wind etc.......Loads threads on the (un) importance of the ding...................One thing you can do and only a piece of string needed is lay out 90% (all shots off the green).....Now put shot pal on and watch that length vary ever so slightly from to time........Not checked for a while as shot pal made me lazy an dmay I say what i thought was a scam on that is actually  a nice touch..OK I made myself get used to Cally balls which once done are great value / performance I think.  I digress as usual but in essence watch each shot, sit back and enjoy is all that's needed as we know..........and some days will be better than other's as we all know, as far as slight meter speed changes or not are concerned  :)

    Some V good player's miss the ding deliberately then hit every 3 and then 2 and ECETERA.  I ain't able to  tell em they are wrong or bango as their scores are better anyway.  My method is inconsistency LOL without trying - I do try and be inconsistent on the wind side though! Enjoy!




    It was not on my end, i was playing on a beast of a machine with very good net

    Funny - "it is never my end" and its always a "beast of a machine".

    Do you work for WGT?

    No I don't, nor have ever worked for WGT so they are expressly my opinions based on my knowledge of the game. I always use a CPU meter next to my meter and constantly monitor it on each swing, often I see it peak a little - sometimes as you describe your "speed up", and if I look at the reason a background process is running and directly caused the spike. Oh and I play on an old laptop, wireless connection with no bells and whistles but have it configured for WGT. If I play on my new desktop I have all sorts of issues despite it's specs (a gazillion process running)

    Too many people (including players who have few RR behind them) blame VEM for anything and everything when things do not go right, yet they have little knowledge and wouldn't actually realize if VEM bit them in the butt. They read about it I the forums, or have blamed VEM but really have no idea, and hey, its easier to blame things on others isn't it? But if you want to believe it, go ahead, but your dreaming mate.


  • FBudd
    208 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 5:35 AM


    It was not on my end, i was playing on a beast of a machine with very good net

    Funny - "it is never my end" and its always a "beast of a machine".

    Do you work for WGT?

    No I don't, nor have ever worked for WGT so they are expressly my opinions based on my knowledge of the game. I always use a CPU meter next to my meter and constantly monitor it on each swing, often I see it peak a little - sometimes as you describe your "speed up", and if I look at the reason a background process is running and directly caused the spike. Oh and I play on an old laptop, wireless connection with no bells and whistles but have it configured for WGT. If I play on my new desktop I have all sorts of issues despite it's specs (a gazillion process running)

    Too many people (including players who have few RR behind them) blame VEM for anything and everything when things do not go right, yet they have little knowledge and wouldn't actually realize if VEM bit them in the butt. They read about it I the forums, or have blamed VEM but really have no idea, and hey, its easier to blame things on others isn't it? But if you want to believe it, go ahead, but your dreaming mate.

    If you go back and read my posts you will see i use resource monitors as well. I have my pc set up for WGT as well. I am not stupid. 

    What i bring to this discussion is actual testing done in a very controlled manner. Many recorded shots in a short space of time, on the same PC, using the same club, playing the same shot. Recorded at a high frame rate then played back at super slow motion using some very good software, the fact is, the meter is not the same speed every shot. IT DEVIATES.

    Until you go do some testing yourself please kindly keep your opinion to yourself because it is as good as nothing.

    Taken from the patent on VEM

    In general, in one aspect, embodiments of the invention feature determining a user skill level for user interaction with virtual equipment in an interactive computer game. The virtual equipment is capable of being manipulated through user interaction with an associated representation. A virtual equipment model associated with the virtual equipment is automatically adapted to reflect the determined user skill level. The virtual equipment model governs how the virtual equipment behaves in response to user interaction with the representation.

    The swing bar is WGT's representation of you swinging the club, VEM will alter that representation based on your interaction with it. SO it is safe to assume, if you hit the ding a lot like me, VEM is going to start changing the speed of your swing to catch you out. 

    So once again, please do some actual testing/research before throwing your baseless opinions around.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 2:28 PM

    wow....seems another person bit by the paranoid bug strikes again

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 3:22 PM

    Empirical evidence equals a paranoid bug ? 

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 3:51 PM

    It is in my case, but then I could give a flying slab of Owl $hit.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 4:07 PM


    Empirical evidence equals a paranoid bug ? 

     So...wheels....are you saying that ANY because of the VEM?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 4:39 PM

    I was not going to respond to this post as clearly made your mind up, and we have differing opinions.

    .But I have never called you stupid, or even inferred that, but again I do find you do have a "victims mentality" based on this post, and other posts you have made. Seldom do you offer constructive advice or criticism and find it easier to place blame on "outside" factors.

    I am impressed that you took the time to record and monitor the meter speed using "very good software" and for someone playing the game since April this year, you have certainly gained knowledge of "VEM" quickly, something most players do not find out about so quickly (again I am NOT inferring anything about you). . However all that shows is the meter speed varied, albeit "marginally". To do a full analysis you would also have to monitor each and every process running on your computer at exactly the same time to find any variance and then do a full analysis to give a possible reason, and this can really only be done in a test environment.

    As I did say, it is possible that WGT have added coding to counter the use of auto-dingers - I have never seen these used but personally do not see the value as I do not always try to hit the ding (to counter the wind effect). Having said that, I do not think these are used widely and really benefit a player, unless you really have zero co-ordination (in which case, better off choosing a different game to play).

    My "baseless opinions" were my views, based on my experience playing this game, my knowledge of computers, and also based on the many players who can never accept fault.

    I believe that is the benefit of the forums, where we can all express OUR views and learn from it, if you have an open mind. Sure we may not always agree with each other, then provided all the facts and arguments are laid out, it is then up to the individual to make an informed decision. As I said, believe what YOU want to, just have an open mind.