V4mofo: The club is a handful, fastest meter I've had to deal with yet and it put me in the weeds quite a bit. But, when I get close to the 'ding', it sure does fix the problem of reaching those long par 4's in 2.
Think you've learned some valuable lessons here...
1) how much help a slightly longer driver can help your game.
2) how you can/cannot handle a faster metered club.
3) why some of the better golf balls with more feel ( slows down your meter) can cost so much.
4) if in fact that meter is too fast, and you don't want to buy/ keep buying the slow meter balls, you can watch out for swing speed of future club upgrades and choose more wisely.
Don't be like me, when I first upgraded, I looked at one aspect of the club alone and it was distance lol. Had the least amount of forgiveness and the fastest meter speed at the time. Ended up selling back for next to nothing and buying all over again.
As far as the friends thing goes, I totally understand. I love playing real golf all by myself, but here, it's a totally different story. Once you find a few wgt friends with similar interests, you can get away from the "just shoot low" mindset and play for the fun of it. It really helps when you start to feel a little bored with the game. Get out there, have a few drinks and chat with wgt buds. That's where the fun is with me here.
Hittem well