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Re: If you wont fight it, join it: DING-PAL

Sat, Feb 21 2015 1:53 AM (88 replies)
  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 9:57 PM

    If I had a list of about a dozen guys who played 30s clocks, I would invite them tons.  That'd be awesome.

    Well add me then.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Feb 18 2015 11:42 PM


    If I had a list of about a dozen guys who played 30s clocks, I would invite them tons.  That'd be awesome.

    Well add me then.

    Well defriend me then LOL

    Play 90% of shots in 30 secs and it's ok for Alt, tho not much time for typing and getting some good crack / sledging going... ;-)

    45s is plenty quick enough for me !

    Sometimes you need the extra 10-15 secs to work out a tuff shot / putt or wait for the occasionally temperamental reverse view to wake up, otherwise it becomes educated guess golf.




  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 2:09 AM

    Sometimes you need the extra 10-15 secs to work out a tuff shot / putt or wait for the occasionally temperamental reverse view to wake up, otherwise it becomes educated guess golf.

    Yup, that's the deal breaker for me. Cabo being the worst offender, I can click reverse camera go make a coffee, roll one and be back in time for the changeover. 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 8:41 AM

    I could play on a 10 second clock until I get to the green LOL...and probly a 15 second clock on the green 70% of the time...but there are some putts that take time to figure out...

    IMO a 30 second clock is an excuse to play average will bring the good players who calculate everything on every shot down to the level of players with less ability....

    Now if both players are equal and just want to get a quick match in I see nothing wrong with it, but I have watched several of icons matches on Twitch w/ a 90 second clock, and they seem to be having fun...I don't see anyone waiting around for the other guy and they are all good players....


  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 8:56 AM


    Sometimes you need the extra 10-15 secs to work out a tuff shot / putt or wait for the occasionally temperamental reverse view to wake up, otherwise it becomes educated guess golf.

    Yup, that's the deal breaker for me. Cabo being the worst offender, I can click reverse camera go make a coffee, roll one and be back in time for the changeover. 

    i find this only on 6th tee ...

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Feb 19 2015 2:08 PM

    If 60 seconds gives us time to chat and laugh then I am all for it. I only get irritated with the 90 when a few players take it to 88-89 every shot, and they are not chatting. I play the AS for the laughs and comments. The friends I play with only take close to 90 when they are taking a whizz or getting a drink. We usually tell each other in advance.

  • WakaFlockaGA
    28 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 9:37 AM

    Stop the complaining. Life isn't fair so what makes you think a video game could be any different. Every game console has cheats. xbox, play station, ect.. you can never stop it and never will. it's like saying lets stop cancer. good luck. it has always been around and always will. instead of whining and worrying. Just mind your own business play your game and be happy with your scores like everyone else who plays this game for pure sport and fun. Maybe it's time for a break from wgt, and put a little family time in the real world. I know plenty of players who shoot awesome scores and play off the ding not for it. you should learn this too!

  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 11:59 PM

    Every game console has cheats. xbox, play station, ect.. you can never stop it and never will. it's like saying lets stop cancer. good luck.

    Why would they stop cancer?  Do you know how much money that cash cow brings in?  This is capitalism we are talking about, not religion.  Morality went out the window long ago whenever it came up against capitalism.

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Sat, Feb 21 2015 1:53 AM

    Cheaters are losers also if they win their matches.

    They are losers in life, in their own mind, and mostly because of their character.

    A self-respectfull person with dignity and confidence would never use a cheat.

    I am thankfull that I am not such a poor, spineless and pitiable cheat-using sissy.