I can't say if its the right choice, but I can tell you what I did and plan on doing. I went for the K15s when could buy them and a couple of cleveland wedges and it has worked out very nice. Now it is time to start thinking of my end set since I've reached lvl 67 and this is what I am working on getting to slowly replace my current.
Driver-lvl 67 Callaway XHot 2195 cr. Benefits-slower meter (2bars) good precision and forgiveness (3.5 and 4.5 dots respectively) Drawback-med/high trajectory so may not clear some 'shortcuts' to greens.
3W-lvl81 Ping G20 695cr. Benefits-same meter as driver with 4dots precision and 3 dots forgiveness. Drawback-none really, though the lvl 92 Max is slightly better and slower swing.
Irons-lvl 83 Ping G20 2695cr. Benefits-same meter as driver and wood. Drawbacks-lvl90 R11s have extra dot of spin (4 instead of 3) that could allow for better sticking to high placed holes on tourney greens.
Wedges-lvls 76,78&80 Cleveland wedges 895cr ea. Benefits-4.5dots of spin and better precision at 4.5dots than the Taylormades. Come in ranges of 100, 80 and 60 which fits into a nice spread with the G20 Irons to have the distance choices you need. Drawbacks-Not as forgiving as the higher level Taylormades.
Putter-Currently using the lvl 35 Ghost Spider 800cr and will do so until I think need better, which would probably be if I wanted to use more expensive higher level balls. I've heard don't use balls of higher level than clubs.
Balls-lvl 33 Callaway HEX 250cr. Nice all around ball with good spin(3.5) distance (3.0) and durability(2.5) AND help slow the meter too (2.5 dots of feel.) You WILL want to use better balls than the freebies and should stay with the same ones when pick yours you want to play with.
Total Cost: 8,270cr(not including putter and balls)
Alternatives-The lvl 83 G20 full set plus Cleveland wedges for 7,180cr before selling back the hybrid OR you can wait all the way to lvl 95 and get the Max meter full set and wedges and Cleveland wedges for 9,180cr before selling back the hybrid.