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Re: Why bother?

Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:49 PM (18 replies)
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  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:37 AM

    WGT..!! it was good... it worked! Too many chefs in the galley eh? Reverse,.. undo,.. restore what once was whole and give us back our putting at least and stop overdoing things! leave that to us mannic clickers who still enjoy being wrapped in your web of green frustration and fun!



    Thanks GG

    what a fn joke.  WHY BOTHER?  I wont.  GTH WGT

  • GypsyGreen
    520 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 6:11 PM

    This replay i`ve just saved is a perfect example of what we the players ( paying customers ) are up against!  I clicked just before the ding due to wind and is my prefered way to aim...  i know i was on the mark. The meter then proceded to run through to within a germs width of the meters end,.... note ,... sending the ball towards almost certain DEATH!

    Now,... im not the complaining type but the frequency of this $hite happening has only increased ... which tells me that someone is doing something to the innerds of the game. Maybe an attempt to fix things or return things to 'normal'... whatever it is , we should not be expected to pay for it.

    We are here to enjoy the game and pay for what we individualy deem necesary and affordable to improve our own game,...  NOT for trials n tests or mistakes made by the WGT Elves!   as long as this keeps happening ( see replay ) i suggest you turn off all the ball killers such as Out of bounds , water hazourds,.. thick weeds etc... or wright into the game " instant new ball & mulligan when for eg.. water hazourd has occured" ..

  • patriciawilliams
    3,273 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 7:33 PM

    The meter then proceded to run through to within a germs width of the meters end,

    Same thing happening with my meter, having to learn to compensate by moving the triangle thing instead and hoping to hit the ding, otherwise once it passes the ding it just keeps going and going...

    Missing putts by a tad now

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 7:56 PM

    The fact of the matter is, it is happening. Its up to you to deal with it or quit.

    Plenty of the best here have hung it up, or rarely play. The game has more luck involved than ever before. They are now messing with the putting, we now have VEM on the green.

    Some like it, some do not. I don't mind the VEM or whatever you call it, but when playing for credits messing with putts is quite concerning.

    Like i learned from some of the best here... " it is what it is " deal with it or quit.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 8:55 PM

    I wasn't going to respond to this thread as it looked like just another whinge at first glance.

    I do agree that putting has changed a little, and lipouts and burning edges or stopping agonisingly short of the hole has increased. But is that really a bad thing? Usually all of those are caused due to user error, speed or line is too hard/soft, incorrect line or both. I do think WGT do adjust the speed slightly and IMO this just replicates real golf. And in fairness this happens to me on the real course as well.

    I don't mind the VEM or whatever you call it, but when playing for credits messing with putts is quite concerning

    Now for me this is the only valid point - it is meant to be a game of skill not a lottery. In other words have a level playing field (including wind).

    That said a number of top players no longer play, or play less and less (I will name one player whom has done so much for the community - Legendcrusher is one player). There are many reasons and by making the game a lottery is one of them (although not a major factor IMO). Perhaps when a player gets to a certain level and has mastered this game it just gets boring especially when we only get one course a year for stroke play (excluding best ofs and pitch and putts). And perhaps WGT recognise this aspect, so the majority of equipment etc is aimed at the middle level and tiered players, so revenue increases whilst development costs reduce. So as long as new players continue to join and play, the net gain far outweighs those who leave and often will be players past the stage of putting real money in.

    Smart play WGT, provided those newbies keep coming, otherwise it is death on your own sword.

    Edit: The Title is a little disturbing too - so are you saying to the overwhelming majority of people who have mundane jobs (or unemployed) or people who have no goals, Why Bother? Wrong attitude IMHO - I would rather people push their boundaries in the pursuit for excellence. A battler will always win in my books over someone who gives up.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 9:52 PM

    To:  GypsyGreen

    In reference to your meter running on.  To my knowledge of meter difficulties they are not and have been proven to be not of anything that WGT can control.  You must do it at your end.

    Your comment about things not being normal.  I haven't seen it.  Do you actually believe WGT management would (for lack of a better word) screw over all of its customers?  Worse yet, that they would bother to single out you, or any other small group of players to be screwed with?  When it comes to conspiracy theories, what about the gunman on the knoll?

    I viewed your replay.  I noticed you were hitting with an Iron 174 yards from the pin.  How did you end up in that location from the Drive tee's?  In real life looking at that shot I would think you topped it.  I don't think you can do that here.  So my best guess is, (cannot see your stroke choice, full/punch whatever, also can not see where you have moved the spin dot if you did.) you applied to much top spin, causing your ball to take a nose dive.  It could also be that in moving your curser over near the  caddy, that your given choice of stroke (full) was mistakenly changed to a punch or something else.

    As to whatever you said after that, I can have no reasonable answer, as I did not understand what it was you were trying to say.  Just my opinion, and my nickle.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 10:59 PM


    Now for me this is the only valid point - it is meant to be a game of skill not a lottery. In other words have a level playing field (including wind).


    Yes Alanti the putting has changed of late. Think maybe last downtime.

    Shot 33 today and 33 yesterday at St. Ands front nine, lol.

    Both rounds averaged under 10 feet from hole,, yet had 7 two putts on both rounds.

    I think my putting stats speak for the them self. Not a bittch ....but if this is a plot to get me to spend $40 on a putter.......well.. they have lost their minds, lol.

    You see me spend $40 for a putter mate,, be sure to call the doctor,, or just punch me in the face!!

    I can promise you its not going to happen.  :))



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:40 PM

    You see me spend $40 for a putter mate,, be sure to call the doctor,, or just punch me in the face!!

    LMAO - Gerald I am not a violent man, so would not punch you in the face unless I happened to shoot a 43 compared to your 33 on the front at Andys!

    But way before that an army of men wearing white coats would be dragging you away, with your screams echoeing around the course "but I paid good money for that virtual pixelated putter". Enough said - case closed, throw away the key!

    In a way these new high level releases are our fault - we wanted better choice at higher levels, what WGT failed to consider was we wanted reasonable prices. As I said ^^^^ I think WGT are primarily focused on newer players who spend, and assume high level players have a stash of credits to burn - and will pay whatever price as a result. As a player who pays to play, there is no way I will spend $40 on a putter I will never actually own or feel, but having said that I spend $5 on balls that last marginally longer than a Big Mac. And there is a similarity between a Big Mac and Virtual Nike Balls - I feel sick after eating a Big Mac and I feel sick after spending $5 on pretend balls. So maybe someday I will feel violently ill buying a new putter - I hope those men in white coats take me away before I do.

  • GypsyGreen
    520 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:49 PM

    Your comment about things not being normal.  I haven't seen it.  Do you actually believe WGT management would (for lack of a better word) screw over all of its customers?  Worse yet, that they would bother to single out you, or any other small group of players to be screwed with?  When it comes to conspiracy theories, what about the gunman on the knoll?

    1) No i dont...      2) Not at all...     Keep in mind this game we enjoy is a work in progress.. a trial .. a platform for WGT designers to test , try out and to learn from . We are all aware of this fact  ( should be)  and as it is global .. it is running 24/7 which also means while we play they work and any engineer or pc tec. or anyone with a bit of sense will tell you .. maintenance and adjustments on a running machine is a mine field of trouble.

    As for the 'gunman on the knoll'... ive always reckoned that he tried his damnedest to have a lovely picnic while he waited but sadly .. nay tragically forgot to bring a roll of toilet paper.  

    I viewed your replay.  I noticed you were hitting with an Iron 174 yards from the pin.  How did you end up in that location from the Drive tee's?  In real life looking at that shot I would think you topped it.  I don't think you can do that here.  So my best guess is, (cannot see your stroke choice, full/punch whatever, also can not see where you have moved the spin dot if you did.) you applied to much top spin, causing your ball to take a nose dive.

    How i got there is simply the fact that it is the starting point of this hole in our C.C. Closest to the Hole Tournament. 


    As to whatever you said after that, I can have no reasonable answer, as I did not understand what it was you were trying to say.

    I guess you read it vaguely once ,.. glazed over and thought "  Why Bother"?  

    Cant help ya there pal...  it basically speeks for itself.

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