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Why bother?

Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:49 PM (18 replies)
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  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Thu, Oct 17 2013 8:44 PM

    Well I cant hold my fingers any longer.  I read a post earlier in the week about how putts are stopping short, lipping out and missing in new and inventive ways.  I thought at the time, "that has been happening to me a lot lately".  Also thinking it was just me missing the shots.

    The post went on to speculate that the reason is because of the new putters that came out and WGT trying to force players to upgrade

    Since reading that post, I couldn't help but notice how many putts of mine and my opponents that were stopping short or lipping out.  When I say stopping short, I mean the ball all but rocks backwards.  Like there is a wall or something (VEM of course).

    I kept playing and just now the final straw.  I was playing in the Best of Par 5 Back 9 Ready Go.  I had 3 shots from just off the greens for eagles that two of lipped out and the third mysteriously missed at the last moment.  I also had an 80 foot eagle putt that hit the wall again 6" short and right on line.  4 shots lost to whatever the reason is in ONE game.

    So why bother to take the time to line up the shot, figure the distance, execute the shot and have the game stop it?

    A game is supposed to be FUN!  I don't find being unnecessarily frustrated by a game FUN.  WGT allow players to make the shots that they take and STOP fn them.

    Many people know that VEM is to help prevent cheaters.  If it worked, ok.  BUT it does not work.  People still beat the system.  A lot of them.  Stop the VEM and let players play. 

    "jeez" (Long Duc Dong)

  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Thu, Oct 17 2013 8:51 PM

    Think most players been there at some point, for me the biggest improvement i made to my putting was to hit my putts 2-3 ft past the hole, i very rarely ever have a short one now.

    Before this is was just trying to hit the exact distance needed, and came up short a lot.

    hope this helps



  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Thu, Oct 17 2013 10:29 PM


    Think most players been there at some point, for me the biggest improvement i made to my putting was to hit my putts 2-3 ft past the hole, i very rarely ever have a short one now.

    Before this is was just trying to hit the exact distance needed, and came up short a lot.

    hope this helps



    Thanks KB.  Been there, done that.  Not my first rodeo.  Have always made a point (not always successful) to putt through the hole, so that really is not the issue.  Especially now since I know I am hitting hard enough to go 1-2 ft past the hole.

    I will double my efforts to hit harder, but honestly don't think that is the problem. Thank you for your help.


  • GypsyGreen
    520 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 1:50 AM


    Many people know that VEM is to help prevent cheaters.  If it worked, ok.  BUT it does not work.  People still beat the system.  A lot of them.  Stop the VEM and let players play. 

    Not at all what VEM is intended for.  Read the patent to see what it is & does.

    There are things they have to combat cheaters, but this isn't one of them. 

    Without VEM, most people would find the game too boring.  

    I don't find being unnecessarily frustrated by a game FUN.

    I found this statement to be quite humorous, as it is how I feel about golf IRL.  LOL

    Ok,.. i totally can relate to what 'dacrash' has to say as i and many other players have , to put it mildly "noticed" how badly we all are putting lately,.. stated only as the way it seems. I have the privilege of being a member of the Lobsters Lair C.C. , home to a regiment of great players all be it a motley crue LOL .. we all have felt the latest wet paper towel of dissapointment that putting is these days. Not to mention losing balls to water or Out of Bounds shots caused by a meter that hatefully slides a centimeter or more past the point you actually clicked,.. i`ve even had the darn thing simply stop short causing premature clickulation ( every one suffers in every sense or setting ) or the equally maddening lightning jump at the very moment you click.

    It is the putting that is the killer,.. most important part of the game ,.. along with wedge sharpness IMO. I taught myself to aim by clicking left or right of the ding from the very beginning of my WGT Journey and got pretty darn good at it and could get a decent game in every now & then... now a good game is few and far between cause i simply cannot putt the way i always have! Clearly the game has changed. Now i know there are many theories about browsers, cache cleaning,. VEM... etc... etc..  been there, done that n had the hangover,..  I personally think it`s a matter of splashing on too much paint and turning what was a simple but efficient rendering of virtual golf into a brown stane fit for nothing more than the aforementioned wet paper towel.

    WGT..!! it was good... it worked! Too many chefs in the galley eh? Reverse,.. undo,.. restore what once was whole and give us back our putting at least and stop overdoing things! leave that to us mannic clickers who still enjoy being wrapped in your web of green frustration and fun!

                                      a buck 50 is all ....  cheers ,.. Gypsy.G.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 9:15 AM

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 9:58 AM

    WGT allow players to make the shots that they take and STOP fn them


    Curious who or how that would be implemented. How the hell would WGT allow for this?

  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:35 AM

    Thanks for the help.  Maybe withhold smart a$$ comments and actually maybe help someone sometime?

  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2013 11:36 AM

    Curious who or how that would be implemented. How the hell would WGT allow for this?


    Good point.

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