Its all about controlling our scores, I think they should just give us a roulette wheel an spin it for our score, save us time, cause we wont be wasting our time for a game thats crap. I play for the fun of it, dont play any tournament except a few closest to the pin ones, dont wanna play any others. I have been marking down every round ive started to see how they are controlling the game an have found the same routine everytime, if you have 2under for the first 3 holes, the mext 3 holes will give you 20 to 30 mph wins in your face so yo uhave no chance of birding an mostly will bogey so they can take away your me this is just wgt's new score control, only those who are buddy, buddy with them will get winds in there favor while the rest of us take the shalf. Thank you WGT for ruining a fun game.....BUT NEXT TIME YA SCREW US PLEASE PLEASE USE SOME KY, DAM ITS SOOOOOOOOOOO HARD TO SIT NOW