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Legends are less

Sat, Sep 18 2010 2:26 PM (38 replies)
  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 3:47 PM

    Funny to see all those Legends, averages sky rocketing,,,lol  Hey!! But I also am a Legend, and now can attest to this; I play like a amteur and feel like a Hack!!!  Give me a break,,,,And for all others who are trying so hard not to give in, and watch there averages climb, no shame 4 u ,,,,,Your day is soon to come,,,,Believe this; someone will think you are a cheat,,,,,lmao   Oh!   And thank you WGT,, I spent all this time and money just to get knocked down by the worst cheats of them all.   And then as to add insult to injury, be called what I have only seen and heard dead called,,,a " Legend"  OMG   Give me a break,,, Better Fix your own meters, they'll be like ours before long,,,I see and believe what others are downloading on you now.      I am Looking for another site myself, and maybe in time,,there will be one like the real game of golf, not the game of chance this is.  The chance here is, they will change it when you invest and start to improve.   But not to worry,,They WTG will sell better equipment soon, believe that,,they'll come out with the almighty 300 yrd drivers and betters balls,, and then this will all start over again,, Humm!! Maybe when they finally get to a 400 yrd driver and 4 dot distance balls this will all be closest to the hole,,,,nroflmao

  • borntobesting
    9,732 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 4:35 PM

    I just checked your latest scoring history and did not see a single round at BPB. If you play the easier courses to make master and legend then when the conditions get much harder you can't hang. I know because I played almost nothing but Kia and St. Andrews for about 2 weeks as a pro so I could make master. Now look at my average. I am struggling big time but I believe that I will once again start to play better as I learn more about course management. And learn to putt better on the very fast greens. And seems to me that is what you need to do as well.

  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 5:52 PM

    Thank you for your reply,,I made master on Bethpage before there were other courses available, and played there as master for months before Kiawah was brought into the mix.    I choose and play the courses others of my playing partners enjoy,, at this time after being pushed up to a legend I am play kiawah and St andys, allot trying to dial in to what is 6 yrds to 103 yrds difference in tee's from Master to Legend,,, That is a problem for me and many others.   And also we have to contend with the tournament green and what is now, 150+yrd if lucky approach shots, good luck!!   I hear what you are saying,,, I have asked myself many questions and only hear the same thing,,,Why me!  I was barely a 62 and struggling to hold that.  I have earned my way up through the tiers and could only try to compete against those with lower averages only to fail, I am talking about those who shoot consistantly 60 or below.  I ask; who should be a legend my friend?  I will never shoot those scores, and was happy to be a master,,, I was not competing in these big money tourneys, if at all only played ready go's 5 times, but yet here I am being treated as though I am a Legend.   This game as you no is difficult,, now it is Crazy hard.  I thank you for reading what I have said,,, But I don't have career earnings in the thousands of credits there as,,, fact is I only have $25 dollars worth and as I said, for the most, they were given by WGT. And as I feel now for the slap in the face I got from WGT.   Sharpen up on my game,,I am an older person, but this gives me the chance to compete against those who are still with many years left in life.  I am a senior citizen, but No I don't believe I am a legend by far.     Play well.  I have seen many come and go on this site,, I love the game, but I don't like the game WGT is now calling fair for all.

  • lkennedy
    194 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:06 PM

    Course management, my achin' butt!  How do you manage a course when your tee shot leaves you 200 yds away and you have to go over a bunker with a 4 iron or a wood?  When you're shooting into a 30 mile crosswind?  That's assuming the meter doesn't skip.  If you have to lay up every time, you're hoping for a good approach for par.

    This is bull and not the fun that it was.  I realize that WGT listens to its members.  That's why every tourny this week has tournament greens.  Cuz that's what we all asked for.  As it stands right now, I don't blame anybody for padding their score to avoid Legend status. 

    There really needs to be a seperate tier for Legend hackers like myself and the truly great ones.

    Yeah, I'm whining.  I'm seriously pissed that I've lost my favorite pasttime.  I just don't have another couple hundred bucks to start over.  Suck it up, meet the challange.  Sure i'll keep trying, but WGT can still kiss my butt.


  • borntobesting
    9,732 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:08 PM


    Thank you for your reply,,I made master on Bethpage before there were other courses available, and played there as master for months before Kiawah was brought into the mix.    I choose and play the courses others of my playing partners enjoy,, at this time after being pushed up to a legend I am play kiawah and St andys, allot trying to dial in to what is 6 yrds to 103 yrds difference in tee's from Master to Legend,,, That is a problem for me and many others.   And also we have to contend with the tournament green and what is now, 150+yrd if lucky approach shots, good luck!!   I hear what you are saying,,, I have asked myself many questions and only hear the same thing,,,Why me!  I was barely a 62 and struggling to hold that.  I have earned my way up through the tiers and could only try to compete against those with lower averages only to fail, I am talking about those who shoot consistantly 60 or below.  I ask; who should be a legend my friend?  I will never shoot those scores, and was happy to be a master,,, I was not competing in these big money tourneys, if at all only played ready go's 5 times, but yet here I am being treated as though I am a Legend.   This game as you no is difficult,, now it is Crazy hard.  I thank you for reading what I have said,,, But I don't have career earnings in the thousands of credits there as,,, fact is I only have $25 dollars worth and as I said, for the most, they were given by WGT. And as I feel now for the slap in the face I got from WGT.   Sharpen up on my game,,I am an older person, but this gives me the chance to compete against those who are still with many years left in life.  I am a senior citizen, but No I don't believe I am a legend by far.     Play well.  I have seen many come and go on this site,, I love the game, but I don't like the game WGT is now calling fair for all.

    I hear you. As I have said before I am an old man with poor eyesight and slow reflexes. But it appears to me that playing this game is actually helping me sharpen my reflexes. As I am now dinging the meter much better with the faster balls using the Super-Tri. When I am really on I can ding the meter using just the tour-sd balls. But I have just about decided to use the GI2-D balls for a slower meter and a little extra distance. The higher trajectory of the G-10's make extra spin a little less important.

  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:16 PM


    Course management, my achin' butt!  How do you manage a course when your tee shot leaves you 200 yds away and you have to go over a bunker with a 4 iron or a wood?  When you're shooting into a 30 mile crosswind?  That's assuming the meter doesn't skip.  If you have to lay up every time, you're hoping for a good approach for par.

    This is bull and not the fun that it was.  I realize that WGT listens to its members.  That's why every tourny this week has tournament greens.  Cuz that's what we all asked for.  As it stands right now, I don't blame anybody for padding their score to avoid Legend status. 

    There really needs to be a seperate tier for Legend hackers like myself and the truly great ones.

    Yeah, I'm whining.  I'm seriously pissed that I've lost my favorite pasttime.  I just don't have another couple hundred bucks to start over.  Suck it up, meet the challange.  Sure i'll keep trying, but WGT can still kiss my butt.


    I can't agree with you more my friend,,,, there are truly those that should be Legends.  WGT did us a great injustice,,, Now what is happening,, is they openend another can of worms,,,,People are opening new accounts and starting over from the bottom,, this was a problem before,, and as I would not go there believe me they are doing this,,,WGT I believe understands this also,,, But it is at best more money for them, Sorry but I whine also when someone pisses in my cheerios... Play well.

  • TextMyPC
    232 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:19 PM

    62 is the new 58.

    I used to hold a solid 62 that sometimes dropped to 60 and upwards to 64.

    Now, I struggle for par?

    I agree wholeheartedly, I'm not nearly a legend. Master (by WGT terms) maybe.

    I have a best clubs and am at the highest rank. So what's left for me other than ridicule for being a legend with a 70 average, more lipouts, impossible approach shots, and blah blah blah.

    Can someone explain to me what WGT as thinking other than forcing their so called Legends into retirement?

    Honestly, what's left? I don't need credits for better clubs. Multiplayer is still unplayable because of the bugs so nothing but frustration there. Only thing left for me is to see if I actually do hit an 80 average with a Legend status.


  • Rightin
    1,248 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:53 PM


    62 is the new 58.

    I used to hold a solid 62 that sometimes dropped to 60 and upwards to 64.

    Now, I struggle for par?

    I agree wholeheartedly, I'm not nearly a legend. Master (by WGT terms) maybe.

    I have a best clubs and am at the highest rank. So what's left for me other than ridicule for being a legend with a 70 average, more lipouts, impossible approach shots, and blah blah blah.

    Can someone explain to me what WGT as thinking other than forcing their so called Legends into retirement?

    Honestly, what's left? I don't need credits for better clubs. Multiplayer is still unplayable because of the bugs so nothing but frustration there. Only thing left for me is to see if I actually do hit an 80 average with a Legend status.


    We are all feeling the pain,,Will it get better?  I can't say what WGT is thinking, I hear and feel what a great number of us are faced with.   It is WGT who needs to rectify there mistake,, if that is what we can truly think it to be.    I watch my average climb each game I play now,, I mean; being upset is more than the truth here,, I feel pushed out, not pushed up as they would have me believe by making me a legend.  Hey some players won't even consider playing against us now,,, and for the most of it, because they don't want to play on tournament greens.   A mess it is,,,will WGT change it?  Well I can only hope they will read these forums and understand they did make a mistake, but again as I heard and read in another post,, and it was something to do with Man-Up,,, Will they?    We can only see,, it would be nice.  I forgive easy,,lol   A thought I had is; Why not make a legends Tier for only those who play for cash or credits.  I mean you would have to earn your way into that, if that is what you choose to do. Our another thought is; Once you reach a certain plateau, in Credit earning you become a Legend.  That seems fair to me.   We have been but into the category, all the money winners are in.  I can't compete with them, and I no many others are like myself, we just want to play and enjoy.  Simple logic was not used in WGT's thought.  And maybe that is what was used, what they thought was simple logic for them.   

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 7:26 PM
    I feel honored to be a Legend. I appreciate the challange of the black tees and the rock hard, lightening fast greens. I like the fact that I have earned the privledge to try to learn to play and, with time, do well on them. I suppose it will take much time to do so, and I except that. Am I in love with the change? I just keep it simple as ever...hit the fairway, hit the green, make a good putt. Give it time. See where it goes.
  • chuckiee
    2,194 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 8:02 PM
    I got a quarter if you need it get used too it and start practicing instead of writing