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Re: *** Downtime tonight 1/28/14 ***

Mon, Feb 3 2014 7:20 PM (116 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 10:49 AM

    Plenty of big tournaments going on all over the world  and this is World Golf Tour after all isn't it?

    IIRC, the stuffed shirts that ran the Open course last year (year before?) put the mickey in the drink. Maybe it would be cool to get the Aussies involved and bring their Open to the game. I'm sure Chad would love a trip down under.  :-D

  • borntobesting
    9,786 Posts
    Sun, Feb 2 2014 11:38 AM

    As sad as it may seem, one big reason for no world courses is the fact that with the rising cost of transportation taking a full camera crew over seas has just gotten too expensive. Koele and Menele being CTTH courses didn't require a full camera crew.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 4:21 PM

    It would really be stupid for WGT to fly a full camera crew to say Europe, pay their fee, pay for their hotel, pay for their meals and pay for their transportation when you can hire local photographers by the day.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 6:06 PM

    It would really be stupid for WGT to fly a full camera crew to say Europe, pay their fee, pay for their hotel, pay for their meals and pay for their transportation

    Short sighted and insular at best....for a WGT ?

    when you can hire local photographers by the day.

    We have locals who can wield cameras too, the art of photography was perfected over here...

    Who knows they could EVEN stay in their OWN homes and eat what they normally would..AT HOME. ( wage costs less in most of Europe too )

    We also have a few helicopters kicking around believe it or not ?



  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 6:16 PM


    It would really be stupid for WGT to fly a full camera crew to say Europe, pay their fee, pay for their hotel, pay for their meals and pay for their transportation

    Short sighted and insular at best....for a WGT ?

    when you can hire local photographers by the day.

    We have locals who can wield cameras too, the art of photography was perfected over here...

    Who knows they could EVEN stay in their OWN homes and eat what they normally would..AT HOME.

    We also have a few helicopters kicking around believe it or not ?



    Andy, the way I read Andyson's post was that was what he meant, i.e. why fly Americans to Europe when you could hire local (Europeans). If I've read it correctly you may have got the wrong idea of his meaning. (Or of course I did.)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 6:21 PM

    If I've read it correctly you may have got the wrong idea of his meaning.

    You may be right my 1st sentence implies my comments were more aimed at WGT

    Either way the points I made still stand..for there being no excuse.

    The lack of World courses AND World promotions (every month) should, but obviously doesn't..make higher management ashamed !


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 7:20 PM

    John's correct Andy.  You may have got the wrong idea of my meaning.

    We agree.