I don't complain much about vem, I understand why even though the best still shoot low 50's...
But after I play my a$$ off for 6 months to get to the champ greens and find them slower than tournament greens as in hitting putts harder than I would have as a legend and still coming up short, add shot distances being very erratic, wind never right, lip outs galore, and the occasional shot flying 20' offline for no apparent reason...I wanted to bring something to your attention.
You provide me with a venue to play a great game online where I can have fun and enjoy myself, and I am admittedly addicted! However, I think you over estimate the addictive power of your game, it is not heroin or crack, I don't have to have it and I CAN GIVE IT UP WITHOUT EVEN GOING TO REHAB!!!! When conditions are like this, I slow my play down, but I can stop altogether for a week, a month, or for good...I can give my account to my son-in-law and he plays with .75 balls instead of 5.00 balls and won't spend near what I do whether it be watching videos/taking surveys or cash...
Well I already attained my goal of TL, and frankly it isn't nearly as much fun as it was under the conditions it is set to now, just something for you to think about~~~careful what you wish for!!!!!