I remember...
As a Pro with Starters I'd hit short of the 7th FW most of the time. This makes #7 a three-shotter (sp?). You'd have to lay up before the bunker and use wedge to the green from there. A 5 was good then, rare Pars spiced it up. IIRC, this hole was the main cause to buy(!) a 3WD. I was about at lvl 50 then, got me a lvl47 Rapture (230 yds, discontinued) which was a true companion replacing the driver until I hit Master.
You have more options, e.g. the G20 3WD of 240 yds if you choose so.
There's an alternative to bail out left, with OOB lurking and a long second shot.
At #8, it's the low trajectory of the Starters which causes woes - change strategy (e.g. play from the rough in the back) or change clubs :)
Regarding the alleged ploy, keep in mind that they want nothing but our best - for themselves. Some call it capitalism, and I'm told that it's not unknown down under ;)