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Re: Thank A Veteran

Thu, Jan 8 2015 5:58 PM (18 replies)
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  • shoeshinethis
    1,090 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 5:20 PM

    Thank you to all that have served!!!

  • 27stitches
    161 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 5:27 PM


    All in jest.


    YEAH! true to a degree, just ask any SF, Ranger, or a FAC.     HA HA HA.

    I salute them all!, even jar heads.     my nickel.

    As a 25 year veteran you should show more respect !! Thank you brothers and sisters !!






  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 6:44 PM

    27Stitches -

    lee22sharon is a US Army Special Forces Veteran. A Captain, to be exact.

    He meant no disrespect (why he prefaced it with "All in Jest") - it's just a thing our Army, Navy and AF personnel call our Marines - thanks to our Navy.

    During World War II sailors began referring to Marines as Jarheads. Presumably the high collar on the Marine Dress Blues uniform made a Marine's head look like it was sticking out of the top of a Mason jar. Marines were not insulted. Instead, they embraced the new moniker as a term of utmost respect.

    Had he never served, it could be construed as derogatory and would be by any Marine.


  • 27stitches
    161 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 11:34 PM

    Thank you Canine !! But I am truely disapointed by the lack of response of the community and WGT on behalf of our heroes !! 

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Nov 13 2014 5:06 AM

    I did not fail to respond. I have taken a few days to remember family and friends I have lost. I have records of ancestors and recent family I have lost since the revolutionary war. Friends I knew in school that went down in Nam. One of the most important days every year for me. I am  blessed to still have the most important man in my life. My father was up at 6 am with his phone in his hand. My mother always answers the cell phone. My father answered, the first words out of my mouth were Semper Fidelis Jar Head. I received a big Thank you Thank you same to you fly boy. I left home in 1970 and have made that call every year without fail. Dad was a Gunny and raised me to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. To all my brothers and sisters in uniform, past and present, THANK YOU.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Nov 14 2014 8:46 PM


    Thank you Canine !! But I am truely disapointed by the lack of response of the community and WGT on behalf of our heroes !! 

    It is a good post,  but the one thing that killed it was....

    .....  Don't forget the Aussies or Kiwi's, not forgetting all the other countries too that helped us all.

    It looks like we have to remember All American Vets,  that is why the rest of world is not responding.

    Don't get me wrong here, I remember any and all countries that have helped us all in past wars and still have a minute to reflect when the time comes.

    Lest We Forget!!!



  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sat, Nov 15 2014 4:08 AM

     Don't forget the Aussies or Kiwi's

    Roger, bud.

    I would never forget my friends in Swanbourne, Papakura, Hereford or Dwyer Hill ...put too many hours in with those guys (and yes, a few gals too). I have great respect for all miltary units downrange.

    Notice I used the phrase - "around the globe"?

    Thank You Brothers and Sisters everywhere !

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sat, Nov 15 2014 5:49 AM

    Mon Dieu que la guerre est jolie.



  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Thu, Jan 8 2015 5:58 PM

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