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Wed, Nov 20 2024 11:45 AM (1 replies)
  • AnthonyDuffy7
    4 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2024 12:25 PM

    Guys…. What have you done???

    My character (Caucasian Male) looks like the corpse of a fentanyl addict…

    Absolutely awful - I welcomed the update as it does look slicker in the background. The noise of the ‘ping’ is slightly better but the character face choices are brutal. All clothes look oversized. Wearing shorts make you look like a smack addict and the Caucasian colour, as I mentioned earlier, is corpse like. Plus way too many meter glitches too…

    Do these actually get tested and passed before release? If so, someone on the QC needs fired. I appreciate there are many different platforms to play on… that’s why testing is important….


    I play on iPad.


    In summary…

    Graphics on course are still great

    kiawah angles could do with an update

    meter glitches need sorted

    Please revert back, sort or give more avatar options as latest ones are just not up to scratch. Been playing 6 and a half years and seeing my avatar look like the corpse of a junkie is not a good look…


    I don’t mean to offend anyone with addiction issues - and if readings, I hope you see the funny side of my comments.


    still the best game available and I will continue to play… but please, please sort this out. Surely you can see for yourself how bad it looks….


    peace - love - light & thumbs up



  • Kieronf2
    1 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2024 11:45 AM

    What has happened to putting since the last update - suddenly I can't hit a barn door from a few feet away - ridiculous and frustrating.