1,600 cr is a start but even using the frugal "only buy 2 of everything" method will end up costing 20,000 cr. to make it to and well into Legend Tier.
The best advice is to know what is in store for you at different levels and plan accordingly.
My general advice is:
When you hit Master you will need the L48 R1 driver for sure. So save for that and buy it when you get there.
Once you have the cr for that saved add the 50 and 77 yard ATV wedges
Then start saving for an iron set and the 100 yard ATV wedge which you will want to purchase at the same time
At some point you will want a longer 3 wood but it is not used a lot so wait
Finally either wait till level 70 and get the Versa or if you want you can try the level 55 Daytona
Replace all of the above only when you are in the 80s level with what you need for Legend.