First of all, a general decision is due, having in mind that improved equipment will almost inevitably lead to progression in tiers. Then, at the Master tier, the longer tracks will trigger another step to better equipment (same again at Legend tier).
Thus I'm asking you, Kurt:
Are you ready to advance and pay more for the game, or is it your intention to play along for free without any ambition to compete or contend?
Read on if "advance and pay" is the answer.
ZioMio: The Lv 39 ATV 56,60 & 64 would be a good purchase @ 495 each.
Learn to punch the 3W and you won't miss the hybird.
While I agree to buying the two short ATV wedges, what good is the third of 100 yds "below" a Starter PW of 90? I'd propose to wait with the exchange of hybrid against the third wedge until it's really fitting in, opening the chance to get a better wedge at a higher level.
Instead, I'd add a decent 3WD to my shopping basket, for instance the R11 3WD of level 30/31, readily available. This will be a budget replacement of the sloppy Starter Driver.
A further hint: Don't buy a putter below 500 cr.