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Re: Ability to disable "autocaddy"

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Mon, Apr 20 2015 1:48 PM (33 replies)
  • ncjohn51
    2,008 Posts
    Mon, Apr 20 2015 11:33 AM

    Thank you WGT!!!! I just had a friend let me know that the feature had been added to the options menu. I have already shut the virtual caddy off and hope he will get hired by one of my "competitors". I may even pay him to recommend some of the shots he recommends to me. LOL

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Mon, Apr 20 2015 12:57 PM

    Guess I'm to accustomed to having the caddy there,  I don't like it turned off.


    Maybe it's due to the auto selection around the greens?   I'd prefer to choose the shot type before the club.  As it is now, auto caddy off,  around the green I'll pick the wedge I want but it suggests the shot type for me and that's just the same as having the caddy on. 


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Apr 20 2015 1:39 PM


     I'm also a system designer though who understands that creating failsafes to idiot-proof a process is a good idea. 

    I'm pretty sure given your experience in that profession you've discovered that any time you attempt to "idiot-proof" anything the world comes up with a new and improved idiot. :)

    Still a good idea to attempt it, though.

  • ncjohn51
    2,008 Posts
    Mon, Apr 20 2015 1:48 PM


    I'm pretty sure given your experience in that profession you've discovered that any time you attempt to "idiot-proof" anything the world comes up with a new and improved idiot. :)

    Still a good idea to attempt it, though.

    LOL. Yes, I'm well aware of the "one greater idiot" theory. And I'm sure that on occasion I will manage to still drop into that category. 

    I've used it for a couple rounds now and at least so far it does what I was hoping for. Over the weekend I lost a CTTH tournament at Edgewood because out of the corner of my eye I saw "60" and my mind processed it as my 60 degree wedge--which I consistently leave within 4 feet on that hole--rather than my 60 YARD wedge. Dropped that shot in the water for 120 points and ended up with 238 instead of the 120 or so I would have had on the single play part of the tourney. Wish I'd known 2 days earlier that the option was there; I could have saved myself from my own temporary loss of focus.

    That shot is one of the prime reasons I have a problem with the autocaddy. It's one of those oddball situations where WGT's algorithms calls for a club that won't hit the distance the hole calls for. Seems to happen a lot with shots in the low-60 yard range, as I've also seen going across the water on Congressional #5 (or 6?) when you lay up.